
Dec 17, 2008 14:02

So there was no retrieval of my computer from Best Buy yesterday, due to METRIC ASSTONS of snow. It took me about double my usual commute to get home. Meh, nothing too spectacular (and it's the super-light, "champagne" type snow, so at least it's easy to get off the car.) This also means it's warmer out today! 20 degrees! So exciting. My adventurous life, let me show you it. *rolls eyes*

I spent most of last night playing Persona 4; I'm just about to get the beginning-of-July cutscenes. I cleared Rise's dungeon in one day, thanks to the fox being totally sweet. Of course, due to taking advantage of the fox, I have less money for equipment, but whatever. I got a lot of awesome drops from fighting on a rainy day. Yosuke needs some levelling, though; he was hurting in the boss fight.

S.Links are as follows:
Fool: 5
Magician: 7
Priestess: 5
Empress: 4
Emperor: 3
Hierophant: 5
Lovers: not available
Chariot: 7
Justice: 5
Strength: 5
Fortune: Not available
Hermit: 5
Hanged Man: Not Started
Death: Not available
Temperance: 4
Devil: 3
Tower: Not available
Star: 2
Moon: Not Started
Sun: 6
Judgment: Not Available

The links seem easier to level than they were in Persona 3. Maybe that's due to me obsessively arcana-matching personae to S.Links; I don't know.

Courage 4, Knowledge 3, Diligence 3, Expression 3, Understanding 3.

I plan to work on Emperor and Priestess for the most part, and Strength and Devil as well. Exciting.

Oh, and I got a Velvet Ticket. :D :D :D

So while I'm involved in Persona, what are you all up to? *pokes everyone*

computer, persona 4

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