good times

Mar 12, 2008 23:30

So uh, I saw the first six episodes of Avatar tonight (plz not to spoil me, I'm actually really enjoying it). Uh. So hilarious and awesome!

I was at the Whale 4B and spreadnparanoia fed us tasty vodka chicken pasta thing of some variety. Bravo (the kitten) leapt into my plate on his way up the sofa, so that was awesome and by that I mean terrible. We got the ( Read more... )

good times, avatar: the last airbender, lj stuff

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Comments 10

seiraryu March 13 2008, 12:14:30 UTC
Avatar rocks.


lassarina March 13 2008, 12:42:04 UTC
I love Iroh. He's so amazing. A++. It's just a hilarious show and I'm really enjoying it.


seiraryu March 13 2008, 19:02:30 UTC
Iroh is awesomsauce. And he just gets better. And better. And better.


stephen_poon March 13 2008, 12:55:25 UTC
Amusing that you mention Avatar now because just yesterday my coworker has started to go through it and has been ranting - I've only seen a handful of episodes from I think season 2, and I want to have a massive marathon of at least the first season and second seasons in perhaps one sitting.


lassarina March 13 2008, 13:04:31 UTC
Haha, nice. Yeah, I can only watch stuff for so long at once, but we might be making it a vaguely weekly-like thing.


wrenbow March 13 2008, 17:03:30 UTC
"First of all, it's just fun messing with people." - King of Omashu

AWESOME. I want more. =)

Holy crap I just discovered that Admiral Zhao = Jason Isaacs and Fire Lord Ozai = Mark Hamill. WUT. I can't wait for the next installment.


seiraryu March 13 2008, 19:21:00 UTC
Ozai = Mark Hamill = The Joker.


(It's funny how he never reprised his Bitchy McWhinypants type of role, huh?


terra March 13 2008, 23:38:31 UTC
Ohhhh, I love Avatar. So randomly good. I don't know what it is, but Iroh seems to spike his tea with pure awesome.


celeloriel March 14 2008, 13:09:36 UTC
Yes. But not quickly and not soon.


lassarina March 14 2008, 13:20:33 UTC
That is fine! I just don't want to duplicate efforts :) I'll just work on polishing off the FFX section, then. :)


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