good times

Mar 12, 2008 23:30

So uh, I saw the first six episodes of Avatar tonight (plz not to spoil me, I'm actually really enjoying it). Uh. So hilarious and awesome!

I was at the Whale 4B and spreadnparanoia fed us tasty vodka chicken pasta thing of some variety. Bravo (the kitten) leapt into my plate on his way up the sofa, so that was awesome and by that I mean terrible. We got the mess cleaned up though.

In other, more irritating news, LJ has disabled the creation of Basic accounts. I am vaguely irked, and glad that I already have my religion journal, my fic journals, and a couple others to spare. (Just when I was considering making my primary ficjournal paid, too.) They totally didn't actually announce it, either, it's buried in a news post and while SUP was making strides in being more transparent and useful with their users, this one just set them back massive amounts, and illustrates once again that LJ upper management has absolutely no clue how the fuck LJ actually works as a social network.

Unrelated to any of that, oh God I want to run Exalted. Like, really really badly.

I, uh, really should update RPG Place one of these days. celeloriel, were you serious about writing a guide for x-2? Because I would so take you up on that.

Dear self: replaying FF12, again, does not solve the problem of "too much to do."

I am exhausted and it is bedtime now.

good times, avatar: the last airbender, lj stuff

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