Damn it.

Mar 14, 2008 19:12

I may or may not be considering a Dragon-Blooded political game. This is wrenbow's fault, okay. Seriously. We were talking about something else entirely and then there was a bunny. DAMN IT BUNNIES, I HAVE RUN OUT OF CAGES.

....So back on the sane side of the room.

I am fussy and cranky and foot-stompy and whiny today. Having to work overtime on Friday didn't help. Having vague dreads about conversations that are likely to come up this weekend is super not helping.

Minuses: no party tonight, probably no drunk for St. Patrick's Day (I feel like that resembles a crime), awkward and stressful conversations
Pluses: Dinner at Lawry's I don't have to pay for, shopping on Michigan Avenue I likely do not have to pay for, Mom and Snooze. Manicure.

I am a mercenary and materialistic thing. (This is actually not true. well, maybe not. I don't know?) I just kind of want to have everything and I can't, and that makes me very fussy right now. I am doing nothing but fucking whining this week. Plz to be sending me some common-sense? I think I am just overtired. fuck Daylight Savings Time, right in the eye. It always messes me up for like 3 weeks.

wrenbow made it a little better. but baiting me for games doesn't help, love =p

i am going to go have a long, hot shower, and then I am going to have some FF6 because it made things better last time. I may or may not also choose to have chocolate ice cream for dinner (in my defense I ate Chipotle for lunch and am not hungry at all.) And yet food for comfort is not a solution.

Maybe I will watch Buffy instead.

....rar. :(

i do not want you to be pointy, bitch is not pleased, stop being a fucktard, rar!, whine, angst angst and woe, would you like cheese with that, not important enough for you, family, fussy mcfussypants, this is nat's fault

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