Gnarr. Also, fic recs!

Nov 25, 2007 13:10

Football is giong to make me exceptionally wrathful today. Three fumbles already? Come on now, guys. *growls at Redskins ( Read more... )

final fantasy vi, recs, final fantasy xii, final fantasy x-2, fanfic

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Comments 7

secretsquirrel2 November 25 2007, 20:38:09 UTC
Seriously wtf? Portis is made of FAIL today. I made the horrid mistake of starting him on my fantasy team. I was going to start Ryan Grant and the "experts" talked me out of it. Grr.

At least Cooley is having a good game.

Plus I picked the skins to win. Make it happen! (Preferably with Cooley and/or Portis TD's)


lassarina November 25 2007, 20:39:19 UTC
Yeah, I don't know. Usually he does better. The second half is looking more promising.


secretsquirrel2 November 25 2007, 20:41:30 UTC
Yeah... a bit... we'll see.

If I end up moving to D.C. I'll have a vested interest in the Skins becoming my second favorite team. They just need to give me a reason!


lassarina November 25 2007, 20:42:25 UTC
I've always been a Skins fan. They often do manage to improve in the latter half of the season. And Jason Campbell does a damn good job for a young kid.


astrangerenters November 25 2007, 21:48:01 UTC
Oh shit, I better get cracking on that story so I don't disappoint. Gah! Sounds like a Christmas break project to me. :)


lassarina November 26 2007, 06:11:51 UTC
lol. I may or may not have some critiques when I finally make it through chs. 2-4 (planned for tomorrow night, omg, soon I will be out of backlog!) If that would be okay?


astrangerenters November 26 2007, 14:31:50 UTC
Oh wow, if you really want to, sure! But I'll say right now that I don't take writing very seriously at all (and it shows, I think) but I would love to have some suggestions for how to improve future installments whenever I get around to writing them. Thank you :)


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