Gnarr. Also, fic recs!

Nov 25, 2007 13:10

Football is giong to make me exceptionally wrathful today. Three fumbles already? Come on now, guys. *growls at Redskins*

At some point I really need to go upstairs and finish packing to head back to Chicago, but I do not want to.

I've been doing a lot of reading, clearing out my huge list of bookmarks that I set aside "to read later." I have a couple of recommendations as a result, both for unfinished fics.

Leap of Faith, by lunaludus
Final Fantasy VI. Shadow-centric, M for language, violence, and nonexplicit sex.
Firstly, there isn't enough Shadow fic in this world, especially not enough good Shadow fic! It's set post-game, and therefore spoilertastic, but I absolutely love the characterizations here, and the fact that everyone doesn't magically get along, because logically they shouldn't. It's gorgeously written and I am full of purring at it. It does a lot with Shadow's past and whether one can overcome that.

Blind Pigs, by astrangerenders
Final Fantasy XII, Balthier/Ashe AU, PG-13
First of all, I love a good AU. This one is fabulous; it's set in 1929 Chicago and has done a really great job of translating characters' in-game roles into ones that fit the time and place. Later chapters can be found here, toward the bottom of the page. (All listed with "Blind Pigs" in the title, for easy finding.)

Research Assistant, by owlmoose.
Final Fantasy X-2, PG, Baralai and Nooj.
This is a really interesting tidbit that fits in between X and X-2, and talks about some of the backstory between Baralai and Nooj. For this reason, it is spoilery, but also beautifully tense and has some great imagery. I love it.

The Difference When I Touch You, by bottle_of_shine
Final Fantasy X-2, Baralai/Gippal, R for sex
So, FFX-2 is totally not my fandom of choice, though you couldn't tell it by this rec list! I really like the way Baralai is presented here, and I like the interaction between them. It's very economical in terms of words and it says exactly what it needs to say.

Tango, by sheffiesharpe
Final Fantasy XII, PG, Vossler/Fran
So, basically this is hot like a ridiculously hot thing. It was for a prompt having to do with a "fancy dress date," and it's gorgeous. It's beautifully done. Also I recommend anything Sheff has written, because it all rocks my socks, seriously.

Vayne II, Part I by mithrigil
Final Fantasy XII, R, various Archadians, Rozarrians, Dalmascans, and Judges
First, fic with historical notes. More please! :D Second, it's in the style of Shakespeare, and there's just as much going on in what isn't said as what is. It covers the treason of Vayne's elder brothers, and I think I've read it three or four times already. You should too.

Alright, that's batch one of recommendations. Likely to be more later, whenever I remember.

final fantasy vi, recs, final fantasy xii, final fantasy x-2, fanfic

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