
Mar 30, 2004 21:19

Yesterday was absolutely grand. Sam N had set up a surprise gathering for Blue and pooka_madness at Merle's, since both of them had birthdays over spring break. It was a large and excellent crowd--myself, Dana, Blue and Eben of course, Rodrigo, Zoe, Sam N, Sam S, Chris, Rob, Josh, Mike D, Kevin B, George, and John. We had yummy food (for Merle's food is ( Read more... )

good times, movies, classes

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Comments 10

celeloriel March 31 2004, 00:31:06 UTC
makeup's not ALL bad. :)


lassarina March 31 2004, 00:35:21 UTC
I know, I just have this intense fear of turning into a high-maintenance wench who can't leave the house without spending 3 hours on her appearance.


celeloriel March 31 2004, 02:38:16 UTC

I wouldn't worry. There's a line between "groomed" and "obsessive" that's fairly large and is currently used as a transcontinental four-lane highway by the Powers That Be. So those who'd like to get to the other side can only dodge cars, pause briefly on the meridian, and dodge some more before landing in the littered fields of "obsessive" where they will immediately be pounced upon by squawking criticizing harpies in the form of their insecurities or a raven, whichever is scarier, and pecked to death if they do not obey every dictate in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, and Glamour all the time, even if said dictates are designed to create a state of cognitive dissonance.

So, yeah, if you blow dry your hair in the morning and perhaps put on eyeshadow now and again you're hardly embarking upon a slippery slope to ruination. :P


sugarmanx March 31 2004, 04:47:44 UTC
"I'm turning into a high maintenance girlie girl. God help me."

I doubt that would ever happen. Must be someone at school "knocking on your door" perhaps *shrugs*


lassarina March 31 2004, 08:08:26 UTC
knocking on my door?

I know I'm not actually, it just bothers me anyway, as I have always been the girl who could wake up and be on her way out the door dressed and ready to go not more than 10 minutes later.


sugarmanx March 31 2004, 18:38:17 UTC
"Knocking on your door"-Finding someone for yourself (at school of course)

I'm pretty quick when it comes to getting ready and getting out of the house as well.


lassarina March 31 2004, 22:56:39 UTC
Oooh, I see.


knux March 31 2004, 13:01:47 UTC
Oh, it's that character from Pitch Black? Haha, now it makes sense. I think.

I am wanting to see Sunshine this weekend. Looks grand.

*random hug*



manslayerliz March 31 2004, 19:31:19 UTC
Meg my dear, your fears are completely unfounded. I've put on more make up TODAY than you have in your whole college career.


lassarina March 31 2004, 22:57:05 UTC
*laughs* If you say so, Liz my dear :)


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