
Mar 30, 2004 21:19

Yesterday was absolutely grand. Sam N had set up a surprise gathering for Blue and pooka_madness at Merle's, since both of them had birthdays over spring break. It was a large and excellent crowd--myself, Dana, Blue and Eben of course, Rodrigo, Zoe, Sam N, Sam S, Chris, Rob, Josh, Mike D, Kevin B, George, and John. We had yummy food (for Merle's food is always yummy.) Then Zoe wandered off to do her security monitoring job, and we managed to collectively pay our check and disperse--Blue, Rob, Josh, George, and Dana disappeared to EB Games and then movie-watching at Blue's apartment, Rodrigo wandered off to keep Zoe company, and the remainder of us went to the movie theatre to see Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

It was a really good movie. It was awesome to see Jim Carrey playing a role other than the goofball guy, and doing it well. It's a really well put together movie and I really enjoyed it. I also found a lot to identify with and I appreciated the way it showed snapshots of what's in people's heads and how it all goes together. There's no good way to explain it without ruining it, so go see it!

There were some immensely ridiculous previews. One for that stupid Julianne Moore/Pierce Brosnan movie, which Eben so accurately described as being of the "I hate you I hate you I love you romantic comedy" genre. One for some spectacularly odd movie about a hyper-Christian high school, which actually looks like it could be really funny. (We discussed making a certain acquaintance see it and observing whether or not she died from repeated utterings of the word "God," which we decided would be hilarious but perhaps outside even our group's bounds of good taste and acceptable behaviour.) We also saw an ad for "13 going on 30" which looks silly and ridiculous.

Saw the preview for Chronicles of Riddick which I finally looked up and realized what the deal is--I've seen Pitch Black but I had forgotten the character's name, and now that I know what Chronicles is, I am so looking forward to seeing it. Door in the Floor looks reasonably intriguing. There was no actual point to this summary of movie ads except to remind myself of which ones I want to see (the Christian-high-school thing might be amusing, Riddick should be great, and Door in the Floor could be cool). The comedies just look stupid and lame. I really, really generally dislike comedies. There are some I like. Most, I don't.

Back on the original subject, after the movie the freshmen/PARCers, the Sams and Chris all went back to campus, and Eben and I wandered back down here, talked for a while about a variety of things, and then Eben left and I crashed.

Had my first "Classics and the Cinema" class today. Should be a relatively easy class--the paper assignments are short, the reading is light, and hell, half the class is watching films. Our prof is slightly scattered and reasonably cool--also British, which was kind of fun to listen to.

Other than that, very little is occurring in the life of Meglet. I think I should go do my linguistics reading and perhaps steal Dana's copy of Medea so I can read for Classics. Then I will probably play video games or something.

Amusing thought: I've worn makeup and done my hair more times in the past week than I did all last quarter, including days I bothered putting on makeup for DCP....*groans* I'm turning into a high maintenance girlie girl. God help me.

Note to self: One of these days I'm going to write a self analysis.....

*chirps and wanders off*

good times, movies, classes

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