The Year Meme - 2015

Dec 31, 2015 18:07

The end of the year is nearly upon us, and I have managed to find a few slivers of time today, in between bits of my 'the flat shall be (mostly) clean and tidy for the new year' frenzy to draft answers for 2015 to the 39 questions in the year meme.

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work, parties etc, family, conspicuous consumption, tv, gigs, life stuff, holiday, films, languages, meme, books, crafts, bleeding heart liberal, ta da, art/culture, music (not gig-related), pure evil

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Comments 4

djpsyche January 4 2016, 08:48:40 UTC
I don’t have an NHS-approved BMI, but it’s healthy enough that (given decent blood pressure and being a non-smoker) my clinic still let me have another year’s worth of contraceptive pills this week.

Seriously? They take you off birth control if you're too heavy? WTF??
And by "too heavy" surely you are nowhere near a weight that could possibly cause you health problems! Gods I hate BMI.


lareinemisere January 4 2016, 11:27:51 UTC
I'm currently about a stone over my maximum 'healthy' weight, according to last week's print-out from the clinic's height/weight/blood pressure machine. It's not obvious because I'm unusually bottom-heavy even by the standards of the classic British 'pear-shape' and tend to dress carefully for it (medical professionals have been known to express surprise bordering on disbelief at what the figures are telling them). Right now I'm three stone heavier than I was in my twenties, so I don't find it hard to believe that there are some health risks associated. Until I dropped a stone during 2014, I was bordering on what they consider obese ( ... )


prunesquallormd January 6 2016, 20:22:41 UTC
I sat through a half hour of Fury Road on the flight back from the US and gave up in disgust. If it hadn't been a free inflight movie I'm sure I'd have stuck it out to the end and might have seen why so many people rate it so highly but I found the extended chase scene at the beginning pretty awful :/


lareinemisere January 6 2016, 22:48:33 UTC
In many ways it's a generic action movie, but it scores quite a few points for having some kick-ass female characters (note the plural) and (for me) massive points for having such beautiful cinematography. It's worth a re-visit, honest...


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