Friends? My arse

May 13, 2010 16:28

I could not be more livid. There are no fucking words. NONE AT ALL ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

megaleena May 13 2010, 15:34:28 UTC
Wow, what a mentalist!

If Sam goes to nursery/childminder what have you while you work that's loads of positive interaction - the other days are for you and him to cuddle up and chill out together!

How old is he? He's not 2 yet, right? That's fine for him not to be walking.


lara_not_croft May 13 2010, 15:38:44 UTC
The days I work, Sam is with Mark (my husband, his daddy). Mark doesn't take him to groups as such but does different activities with him such as the park, playing in the garden, walking the dog, art etc.

Yep, he is 16 months.


raketje May 13 2010, 15:36:45 UTC
Yikes. It was totally unfair of her to say that. Loads of mums work, loads of kids develop at their own rate.. what business is it of hers? You and Mark do the best you can whilst working to keep Sam happy and healthy and supplied with what he needs. And health problems deffo don't make it any easier. She needs to get over herself.



whatsagirlgotta May 13 2010, 16:41:13 UTC
You're probably being a bit sensitive, but she's been very insensitive so that's natural. From a non-parental perspective parents do tend to get defensive about the way they do things because it's natural to hope or want your way to be the best thing for your child, so I suspect she's projecting and as long as all the right people think he's fine I wouldn't spend too much time worrying about her.


vientral May 13 2010, 17:38:42 UTC
She's being a bitch. As if you don't have enough to worry about! I'd have sent back a long string of very angry words if I'd received a message like that. I've read that anywhere between 6-18 months is perfectly normal, but that seeing a Dr or some such to find different methods of encouragement is more common than you'd think. (I got broody and have a few new parents on my flist) but even so offering helpful advice is one thing, criticising somebodies parenting is another, she has no right at all to say those things and you're right to be livid.


zoefruitcake May 13 2010, 17:39:08 UTC
Maybe I am being over sensitive

hell no :0( that's not a friend


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