Title: Right On The Edge (Part 2)
Prompt: Princess of China lyrics:
Once upon a time we're burning bright
That all we ever seemed to do is fight
Once upon a time on the same side
In the same game, now why'd you have to go
Have to go and throw it all in my flame
Word Count: 852
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Hawkeye comic!verse
Pairings (if any): none
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Comments 13
Also, I'm wondering: for you, what is the most importance part of Kate's characters? Whenever I try to write her, I feel like I'm doing it wrong.
What is the thing that interests you the most? Is that the thing that connects you? Or could connect you?
I admit to being baffled by Kate as a character though. She doesn't sing to me. At all. Much as I find Clint's relationship with her interesting, I'm basically turned off by having a second "Hawkeye" around (I mean, what's that all about?? Marvel run out of names that they couldn't give her a different one when he resurfaced? She is not Hawkeye ...) and I just can't get past the feeling that she's a marketing creation to attract a different demographic into the comics. So -- appreciations for the Fraction series as a whole (I own most of them now), not much attachment to Kate as a character.
(I want to give good cheering and feedback but work sucked out all my words and made soup out of them.)
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