Fic: Breaking Point (Veronica Mars)

Mar 28, 2013 23:36

Title: Breaking Point
Fandom: Veronica Mars
Characters: Veronica, the evil Physic professor
Prompt: from hufflepuffsneak - Veronica Mars. She can forgive for crimes committed against herself, but not for those committed against her friends.

...some people might call this extreme but she calls it hedging all her bets... )

every day in april, challenge, veronica mars, 2013

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Comments 2

hufflepuffsneak March 29 2013, 10:19:04 UTC
*applause* I love it when Veronica's ruthless side glitters through her blonde exterior. And of course the evil physics professor is a plagiarist.


lar_laughs March 29 2013, 14:12:24 UTC
Yeah, Mac didn't even want to take that class. He lured her in with promises of grants and computer time. *shakes head* Silly of Mac to believe his promises. But hooray for Veronica to be willing to do whatever it takes!


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