EDBA: Over Coffee (Avengers/MCU)

Mar 26, 2013 00:36

Title: Over Coffee
Fandom: Avengers/MCU
Characters: Natasha, Bobbi
Prompt: a long time ago, ashen_key asked for MCU!Bobbi Morse and Natasha being AWESOME together, with no jealousy at all. And of course I broke my own rule and this is a few more than ten sentences.

...friends are made over time... )

every day in april, challenge, 2013, avengers

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Comments 10

ashen_key March 26 2013, 06:49:32 UTC


Oh gosh, THANK YOU. Eeeee, coffee friends make me SO HAPPY.


lar_laughs March 26 2013, 15:07:56 UTC
I've been stressing over this story for the longest time but coffee finally unlocked how to get it started. A moment of calm in their hectic world!


shenshen77 March 26 2013, 09:03:56 UTC
This was great! And I'm so happy for these kick-ass women to have found a friend to share their stories with over some coffee. For them to have some normalcy - awesome!


lar_laughs March 26 2013, 15:09:04 UTC
Everyone should have normalcy and coffee! *grins*


shenshen77 March 26 2013, 15:11:21 UTC
Hehehe, you're talking to a tea-drinker here ;) But make that normalcy and hot beverages and I'm all in! *grins*


lar_laughs March 27 2013, 02:34:56 UTC
We shall amend it to hot beverages! That works!


hufflepuffsneak March 26 2013, 11:08:35 UTC

Can we have Bobbi and Nat on a mission together at some point during April?


lar_laughs March 26 2013, 14:38:36 UTC
Of course!


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