EDBA: Over Coffee (Avengers/MCU)

Mar 26, 2013 00:36

Title: Over Coffee
Fandom: Avengers/MCU
Characters: Natasha, Bobbi
Prompt: a long time ago, ashen_key asked for MCU!Bobbi Morse and Natasha being AWESOME together, with no jealousy at all. And of course I broke my own rule and this is a few more than ten sentences.

As far as Natasha could tell, there wasn’t anyone out of place in the coffee shop but one could never be too cautious, even if the environment was considered safe by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents that frequented the corner shop. Just as she had done every Friday for the last year, Natasha headed toward the table nearest the back entrance.

“I’m so glad to see you.” If it had been anyone else, Natasha might have thought the blonde woman already at the table was being sarcastic or mocking but this was Bobbi Morse and the one thing that Natasha had learned quickly was that Bobbi was never sarcastic and only rarely mocking, just the sort of straight-talker that Natasha enjoyed being around.

Natasha sank down into the waiting chair, a cup of brewed coffee with a splash of creamer already waiting for her. “And I’m glad to see you,” she replied in Russian, a language they both shared in common. “How was Munich?”

“Rainy but we didn’t have time to complain about the weather, what with the world nearly coming to an end.”

Natasha couldn’t stop smiling as Bobbi began her story, only hitting the high points that could be discussed in such an open and unsecured setting, but that story soon segued into Natasha’s weekend with the strange turtle creatures that washed ashore on the beaches of Chile.

“Thank you for meeting with me again this week,” Bobbi said as she reached across to squeeze Natasha’s hand when their lunch hour was over.

Against her better judgement, Natasha leaned across the table and gave her friend a quick hug. “Thank you for asking me.”

every day in april, challenge, 2013, avengers

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