EDA: Every Day in April

Mar 25, 2013 22:05

Every Day in April, I'm going to write fic. I'm going to complete fic. Every day.

Granted, this fic is going to be short. Let's say... a maximum of around ten sentences and a minimum of three sentences. I'm going to use a prompt that is given to me to create a shortish story. Every day.

Once a week, if I remember, I'm going to ask for prompts. I'll put up a list of fandoms but that doesn't mean that you can't offer something else. Sometimes I need something different to try. Feel free to give me that something different. I'm all for random pairings and write any and all types of pairings (het, slash, femslash).

And because I'm crap at waiting, feel free to drop prompts at this post for this week. We'll call this week Every Day Before April.

Put the prompts into a form something like FANDOM, CHARACTER or PAIRING, PROMPT (song lyrics, random words/ideas, tiny bit of plot).

Thank you so much!

every day in april, challenge, 2013

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