Fic: A Present Freely Given (SItD verse)

Mar 23, 2013 21:17

I thought I'd work out the Sleeping Beauty ideas for writerverse prompt challenges.

Title: A Present Freely Given
Prompt: “Dangerous gifts are such mine to come” (Bjork) from writerverse
Word Count: 362
Rating: PG
Original/Fandom: Original - Stuck in the Dream 'verse
Pairings (if any) none
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con etc): none
Summary: Princess Tavia celebrates her coming-of-age and is rewarded with the one thing that could make her the happiest - a chance at freedom.

Princess Tavia surveyed the heap of presents weighing down the table in front of her before staring back down at the box in her hands. It was a poor comparison. Most of the other gifts were made with precious metals or semi-precious stones, wrapped in silks and satins, all of them the perfect gift for a princess for her coming-of-age celebration. They were just the things that she’d been expecting.

The small dagger with the plain hilt wrapped in patched leather was nestled in the brown box that looked, and smelled, as if it had once housed eggs. It wasn’t hard to tell who had given this gift. Tavia looked around at the hovering guest, searching for the one person who wouldn’t be dressed in extravagant finery. When she spotted Rellen, she couldn’t help but smile.

“You may just be coming of age but you are still expected to show some decorum,” her eldest sister hissed from her place of honor. As the oldest daughter, Killa was currently being courted by five princes. No one was sure, not even the king, which one would win out in the end. It was all up to fate.

And fate was making Princess Killa bitter and angry, not that she had been very sweet to start with. She was never happy when Tavia went to the village to spend time with Rellen and his family. Farmers were beneath princesses even though all the food they ate came from those farmers. The yarn they used for their tapestries came from the sheep in the fields around the castle. Their shoes were cobbled from the leather the tanners gathered from the cattle that roamed those same fields. It wasn’t embarrassing to work the land, although it was deeply embarrassing for Tavia to sit in the solar all day, doing nothing but learning how to keep up mindless conversation with visiting dignitaries.

“Thank you,” she mouthed to Rellen. This was the gift that she had been waiting for. Now her father could no longer deny her the opportunity to learn how to use the dagger that had been a gift given freely. Now she would stop being useless.

challenge, writerverse, stuck in the dream, 2013

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