FIC: She Whispers/ Better/ Bottom of a Waterfall (SGA)

Mar 30, 2012 21:51

I'm writing somewhere around 100 drabbles/short stories for the Mini Bang Challenge at stargateland and these are the first few.

Title: She Whispers
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Major Trevor Bryn (OC), Ronon
Word Count: 369
Prompt: Hospital at
Rating: PG

Atlantis whispers and there's nothing he can do but follow. When he was younger, he hated being told what to do but then he joined the military. A strange career for a man such as himself but was the easiest way to pay for school and he would have done whatever he could have to get away from the small town he'd spent the first eighteen years of his life. Now he finds that the city's insistant voice overrides even that of his commanding officer. He thinks she does it on purpose.

She also finds it amusing to distract him as he's fighting the big brute of a man they call Ronon. "Come at me, Bryn," the alien taunts with a smile on his face. It's the smile that always makes him leap forward, swinging with a right punch that has knocked a fair amount of men and women onto their back. Just when he thinks he's making headway, tiring Ronon down so that maybe, just maybe, he might win one, the city whispers in his ear and he finds himself looking at the ceiling.

He's spent a fair amount of time in the Infirmary. In his time, he's spent time in a few hospitals, both military and civilian. There's something about this infirmary that he doesn't mind too much. While he doesn't often rank high enough to get patched up by Dr. Keller, it's still nice to just watch her. She's strictly Look, Don't Touch, but Trevor doesn't care. He prefers dating within his own economic status. There are no doctors where he's from, except those that feel the need to offer up charity.

There are plenty of Majors, though. Major Trevor Bryn is just one among many. It doesn't make him special there but he's not on Earth any longer. He's on Atlantis and here, he's special. The city doesn't whisper to just anyone. Stay safe, she whispers when he goes through the gate, and then Welcome back when he arrives home. Sleep well, she croons when he's lying in his bunk. It's better than anything he had on Earth. Better than anything he'll ever now. He's home now and nothing is going to ever induce him to go back.

Title: Better
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Jennifer Keller
Word Count: 351
Prompt: Birth at
Rating: PG

One of the Athosian women that had chosen to stay on the city when the rest moved back to New Athos is pregnant and nearly ready to give birth. Jennifer's been watching over her carefully, concerned about the first birth on Atlantis. She's overseen many births among the Athosian people but this is different.

Not so different for the future, though. There are others who will be making use of the birthing room that the medical staff has set up. Some sooner than later. The Earth they all left behind is no longer what any of them remembered of their home planet. Everyone is in crisis mode which means that people are turning to each other for comfort. That's fine but Jennifer's getting concerned that she won't have enough room for all of the resulting babies.

Rodney has started to make noise about having kids. In a fit of rage one night, she shot back at him, "Yeah? You want to have kids? How about you have them yourself?"

She's half afraid he might find a way to do just that. This is the Pegasus Galaxy and she's seen a lot of weird stuff happen. He might just be the first male to carry a child to term. Knowing him, he'd also try to get written up in a journal because of it. She doesn't think she's ready for that yet. Nor is she ready to try out the birthing room. One day, maybe. Just not right now when so many interesting things are happening. She wants to be on the forefront of discovery, not spending all her free time trying to catch up on lost sleep and worrying about what each different cry means.

Of course, that's nothing different than her life now. Catching up on lost sleep because there's always some sort of life and death situation occurring in the city. Trying to figure out what Rodney's different voice levels mean. Keeping everyone healthy and in as whole a condition as she can manage. It's not exactly what she wanted her life to be when she was growing up. No, it's better.

Title: Bottom of a Waterfall
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Dusty, Alison
Word Count: 181
Prompt: Darkness at
Rating: PG

"Is it still raining?"

Dusty pushes her hand through the opening of the tent, waves it around, pulls it back in. The cuff of her shirt is soaked through. She can tell that even in the dark. As she waves it at Allison, water droplets fly around the tiny interior. "Raining? No, it's not raining. This is like being at the very bottom of a waterfall."

"Or that ride at Disneyland." Alison's voice is muffled as she pulls the blanket up higher. It's not cold on this planet but she caught a cold on their last mission and it's all she can do just to keep her eyes open for more than a few hours of the day. That's been fine on this mission considering all they've done is set up the tent and waited. And waited. And waited.

It's unclear what they're waiting for. The end of the rain, maybe. They're definitely waiting for Teldy and Amelia to get back. Without them, they aren't much of a team. They're just one very irritated Marine and one very sick Scientist sitting in a tent in the dark, waiting for the rain to stop.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

graph fic, challenge, caffeinated, stargate, 2012

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