FIC: In the Middle of the Night

Mar 24, 2012 19:39

Title: In the Middle of the Night
Prompt: stay by my side
Word Count: 486
Rating: PG-13
Original/Fandom: Original - Streetlight 'verse
Pairings (if any) Lec/Aja
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: Aja's fever has broken.

"Lec?" It was only a whisper but it was enough to wake him out of the light slumber he'd finally fallen into. When he didn't answer right away, his brain trying to figure out where the danger was coming from, she spoke again. "I know you're awake. I heard your breathing change."

"What is it? What do you need?"

There was a sigh, a simple breath of expelled air, but nothing else. As he came to a full-awakening and realized that there was no one else in the room but the two of them, Lec focused all his attention on Aja. Even though he couldn't see her in the darkened room, he could hear her smiling. The sickness no longer clung to her, tying down her body so that her breathing was labored. He thought about turning on a light to see if her face was still bone-pale but thought better of it. In the middle of the night, they were on equal footing.

He found the bed by memory, feeling about to find where she lay under the covers. It made him breath easier when he didn't feel the heat of fever coming off her skin as he found her hand. "You're feeling better?"

"I am. Why are you sleeping in the chair?"

Her hand came up to stroke down his cheek, causing him to shiver with a desire he tried hard to suppress. "You've been sick. I didn't want you to be alone if you got worse."

"Not my question." Her lips came up to take the place of her hand, tracing his jaw with a line of kisses. "Why aren't you here beside me?"

"You've been sick." It was hard not to give in to his impulses as her hands continued to explore the skin not covered by his clothing. "You've only just gotten better, Aja. You should be sleeping."

"Will you stay with me? Here beside me?"

Lec knew he should have told her to lay back down and go to sleep, that he would be on the chair if she needed him but that had to be the extent of their touching tonight. All the fear and anger inspired by her illness were morphing into joy and desire as she continued her feather-light touches. There was no way he could deny her anything at this point. He settled her back against her pillow, straightening her hair and the blankets the best that he could in the dark.

"If you promise to be good... no, don't laugh. If you promise to be good, I'll lay beside you for the rest of the night."

"Afraid of my brother, are you?"

He kissed her until she was breathless. "No. I'm afraid of you. Afraid of life without you. I don't think you realize how sick you were. You... you gave up there for awhile. Don't ever do that again."

"Stay beside me and I'll try."

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

streetlight people, challenge, writerverse, 2012

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