Writerverse Challenge fic

Feb 11, 2012 22:17

This is the challenge: Your challenge is to imagine (up to) 5 past (or different) lives for yourself, and write drabbles or character synopses based on these lives. Be creative! You can write anything from a brief character history, to a little scene from this character's life. Since I went with some fluffy stuff last time we had to delve into our lives, I thought I'd do some of my more painful memories this time. There are a lot of things that I'd like to do differently and these are just a few of them.

Title: Just Talk To Him
Word Count: 171
Rating: PG
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: She loses a gift and has the courage to admit it.

She fingered her neckline, hoping that she'd been wrong and that the necklace was still there. It was so small that she knew there wasn't any hope that she would find it, even if she backtracked every step for the last day. It had been there this morning. Of that, she was certain. Lisa had noticed it in fifth period, right after lunch. She'd been in a sick haze since then. She would have to tell Josh that she lost the one present that he'd ever gotten her. He was going to hate her. Not more than she hated herself at the moment, though.

Tell him now before you get any more worked up.

Don't tell him. He doesn't need to know. In fact, he probably won't even notice that you aren't talking to him

The chips she'd had at lunch were threatening to make a reappearance but she wasn't going to hide. She was going to talk to Josh about this like someone who valued the friendship that they had.

Title: I Have This Pain in My Side
Word Count: 186
Rating: PG
Warnings (Non-Con/Dub-Con/RPF etc): none
Summary: She makes a second appointment with the doctor because she wants to know, for sure, that there's nothing wrong with her.

"It's probably nothing," she muttered under her breath as she sat in the waiting room. "There's never anything wrong with me. I'm just the girl with all the ailments that it might be running around in her brain."

Really, she was surprised she'd been able to make the second appointment with the doctor after the first had been so disastrous. The medical assistant (she hadn't even warranted an actual doctor for that "You're Probably Just Crazy" visit) had listed out her options, all of which were going to cost money. But money, be damned! She'd just pick up a few more shifts to cover the cost. It was only a few hundred dollars. Her health was totally worth it. Right?

She could really only hope that she was making the right decision because, if she wasn't, it was a lot of money to waste. If they told her, after these tests that were coming up, that there truly was nothing wrong with her, she'd just be a little poorer but she'd have her health and she'd know for certain that there was nothing wrong with her.


It appears that I'm only going to get two done tonight because I've still got things I need to do offline and I'm bound and determined to get to bed before MIDNIGHT tonight!

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.

challenge, writerverse, 2012

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