Feb 13, 2012 20:56

Happy Day Before Single's Awareness Day! The only day of the whole year when people feel they have every right to ask you about your current relationship. It's the one day of the year that I especially hate working with the public because people who don't even know my name feel they can ask me about my plans for the evening. When I tell them I'm doing the same thing I do every night and that it's no different to me than any other day, they look at me like I've grown tentacles!

Of course, on that note, I bring you a Valentines video! I couldn't resist!

Wish I Was Your Lover (John/Teyla) by spiritcoda

You know what I like the most about the SGA OT4? You can totally have a video like this with all these parts that totally make it seem like John and Teyla are a couple yet you can use some of the same episodes to make another of the relationships work. John/Teyla, Ronon/Teyla, John/Ronon, John/Rodney, Ronon/Rodney... Is there much Rodney/Teyla out there? It's not a relationship I've ever gone looking for but it's probably out of there. Watch any SGA episode and you can find your relationship of choice. I know this for a fact because I've been part of the discussions on some of the forums that discuss those sorts of things!

It just makes me smile. *huggles all four of them* And now that I'm starting to watch SG-1 again, I've added all sorts of other people. And then there's all the secondary characters. I should call them something different. Support personal. Thousands of combinations. Tens of thousands of stories.

Of course, speaking of reading, I'm rereading INSTEAD of reading new stuff. I'm working on a werewolf!Cam story for cm_tropefic and decided I needed to reread the Mercedes Thompson books. Of course, I'm stuff on the Alpha and Omega series right now because it's my favorite.

I thought about rereading through some of the Kim Harrison books but I think I'm going to try to find some new werewolf books instead. I know I have some around here somewhere.

This entry was cross posted at dreamwidth - where the cool kids hang out.
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