Fic: Just Plain Dumb Luck

Jan 20, 2011 23:26

Title: Just Plain Dumb Luck
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
Characters: Ronon Dex, Carson Beckett, John Sheppard, Teyla Emmagan
Word Count: 527
Rating: PG
Author's Note: Set after Sateda (Season 3, Episode 4)
...Story Cube: lightning bolt
...scifiland ILYLP: A Pair (3/9)
...5_prompts Amnesty in January: Connect 3 Graph 1: life on the edge

It took awhile for him to be able to distance himself from the pain. This time it had been bad. Very bad. Carson had gone in quick and fast, working, he'd explained, while Ronon had been unconscious so that he wouldn't have to administer any pain medication. This should have made Ronon happy seeing as he hated to be medicated for any reason but his body wasn't willing to forgive him for the pounding he'd received at the hands of the Wraith this time around.

"Your coming to the Infirmary," Carson demanded as Sheppard landed the jumper in the bay, the easy landing still sending a jolt of pain through his battered and bruised body. "I'll have no arguments."

"You won't get any." He'd stood to his feet only because he knew that he would cry out in pain if anyone tried to help him. The absence of the tracking devise was a welcome void under his skin even if the muscles in the surrounding area were bruised and battered. Every step sent a shiver of pain through his entire body, centering along the incision on his back. At this point, he wanted nothing more than to lay down on a bed and have Carson pump him full of enough sedatives to let him sleep off the past few days.

He stumbled and would have gone to his knees if Teyla hadn't come up and inserted herself against his side. Her lithe body couldn't hold him up for long but he didn't need long. He only needed a few more hallways before he could give this show of strength up. Not that he was fooling anybody.

"That was stupid. What you did letting them separate us like that. Stupid." John stood at his other side, not touching him, but silently offering his strength if it was needed. "But I'm glad it worked out."

"Yeah. Me, too." Ronon looked over at him, a small smile saying everything that the words he couldn't seem to say would have said. For the moment, it was the only thanks he could give to his friend.

"You do appear to have the most amazing luck," Teyla answered with a grunt as the pair of them started moving forward again under her influence. "How is it that you get yourself into these situations yet you are never more severely hurt than this? You bleed more than anyone I know."

Ronon wanted to shrug but decided to save his energy. "Just lucky."

"Luck?" John snorted. "It's not luck... well, maybe it is. The dumb kind."

With his last burst of energy, Ronon walked upright through the doors of the Infirmary. When he landed on the bed, his body thanking him for taking his time about it, he let out a groan and answered John. "I'll take dumb luck over no luck any day." Or he thought he'd said it. Everything was growing fuzzy but the pain was diminishing now, his fingers and toes growing cold.

He felt the needle slide out of his arm even though he hadn't felt it enter. "Thanks, Doc." Everything would be better now. He had his friends and his luck and things were... good.

5_prompts, challenge, 2011, stargate, !fanfic

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