Heart of Gold Fic No. 2 - Devil in the Angel's Eyes (Heroes)

Sep 12, 2010 00:42

This was written for razycrandomgirl for the Heart of Gold Gift Giving at whedonland

Title: Devil in the Angel's Eyes
Fandom: Heroes
Pairing: Maya/Sylar
Word Count: 742
Rating: PG-13
Author's Note: I LOVE LOVE LOVE Sylar/Maya but have never written them before. This was a wonderful excuse to give them a go. This is set somewhere on the their trip north when she still thought the world of her guardian angel.

There was something in his smile. It held promise and possibility as a devil and an angel warred inside his heart. She feared the devil but adored the angel.

“Mi amor, we should go get breakfast. Otherwise, we’ll be too famished from all this activity to have any more... activity.”

He languished in bed, his hands behind his head and the sheets bunched at his hips. “Activity? Do you mean sex?”

Even though she tried so hard not to blush, it was impossible not to show how his words affected her. He liked to make her blush, to use his words to embarrass her so that she felt like a small child standing before an all-knowing adult. But he also used his words to bring color to her cheeks for a different reason. During those times, she cherished every word as if it was a solid gold link that she could someday string together to form the most beautiful of necklaces.

Sylar jewelry. The thought made her smile. She would wear it proudly, if it was ever a reality.

“Yes, I mean... sex,” she whispered. As much as she had enjoyed participating in the deed itself, she still had trouble saying the word itself. As always, she worked to shake off the embarrassment before he noticed and commented. “We should go eat breakfast before they think we’ve perished in the night and give this room away to the next person who comes looking for a place to stay.”

“We’re paid up. Stop worrying about losing the room.” A look passed over his face. Diablo. The devil was stretching his cramped muscles, pushing past the angel’s defenses.

She must have shown something of her fear in her expression because the angel flickered back into place. The smile - oh, the lovely smile. It promised her everything she might ever want and even some things she didn’t know that she needed.

“Give me a minute and I’ll get dressed. Then you can have your breakfast.” She watched with greedy pleasure as he pushed the covers away from his body, uncovering both the tanned and pale skin for her review. He paused before getting off the bed. “I can’t tempt you out of your clothes and back here beside me?”

She wanted to give in and let him pull her back against his body. When she was with him, it was so early to forget about her curse. If she could have lived in his arms, protected from herself, she would have given up everything else and they would never leave this room.

For the angel, she would stay.

Because of the devil, she knew they needed to leave this room or she would lose herself in him.

“Come, mi amor. They have waffles. You know how much you love waffles.”

He got off the bed without another word. This didn’t mean she had won, only that the battle had been postponed for a few more minutes. If letting her feed him waffles would lull her further under his spell, she knew he would eat waffles. Pity she couldn’t turn herself on and off like he could. Even with all the training of late, she couldn’t find the key that brought her angel forth.

But they were only going to eat waffles, she reminded herself. No one would get hurt. No one would make her angry. There would be no cause to kill everyone.


She turned to stare at him, fully clothed now but never without the air of passion. “Yes, me amor?”

“You looked worried. Anything I should know about?”

“No. I was just thinking about when I was growing up. Imagine not knowing that something as wonderful as waffles existed. The thought itself makes me want to cry.”

To prove that what she said was true, Maya wiped a tear from the corner of her eye. It clung to her fingertip, clear as a drop from a summer rain shower. If only all her tears were so translucent.

“Then I’ll buy you waffles every morning.” He took the hand she held out in both of his, kissing the knuckles with the tenderest of caresses. “Will that keep your tears away?”

The angel smiled at her with lips as soft as rose petals.

The devil stared at her from within obsidian depths.

One for the pleasure.

One for the pain.

She was cursed to love them both.
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