Sunday roundup

Sep 12, 2010 21:32

1. I have bought quite a few books lately (the kind that I get from the store... not from online) that are seconds or thirds in a series in which I don't have the first ones. Because I have a thing for reading things in order, I have to get the first books first. I don't have the money to buy them right now but I've put my new COLOR sticky notes to good use and have gone through and figured out WHAT books need to be bought.

2. My coworker was fired this week. I'm INCREDIBLY happy about this although I feel bad for her. It was her own fault... she was caught stealing. SERIOUSLY! Stupid idea! The only person who can spot me is on vacation and then I go on vacation and then she goes on vacation again so I'm on my own (when not on vacation) until we can hire someone. The law now says that a pharmacy technician needs to be certified so we're assured someone with half a brain this time. The spotter girl and I have assured our boss that we would prefer that she take her time finding someone (having two horrid people in a row is making us leery of who she might hire) so we have to split the time between us but she has to be able to do her REAL job, as well. This means I'm going to be pulling in some AWESOME paychecks... and the hours from hell.

3. In the meantime, I've tried to pare down some of my online activities and land commitments because it's TIME TO WRITE. I've got a few smaller assignments (rarepair_shorts Clue fic, femme_fic 2010 prompt claim) and a few larger ones (syfybigbang Big Bang combined with the scifiland Big Bang) but I think that still leaves me some room for...

4. original idea I got while reading Silver Kiss by Naomi Clark. It started with a tiny question that turned into a story idea. The key with these ideas is to WRITE THEM BEFORE THEY DISAPPEAR. I want to do that in the next week.

5. Today Gretchen gave Becca a haircut. For some reason, Becca just SAT DOWN and let her big sister cut off her bangs. ALL THE WAY. There is nothing for Lindsay to straighten and make better. She has NO HAIR on her forehead. It's hilarious and Gretchen won't be doing much of anything but school for the time being.

6. I finally finished my whedonland Heart of Gold. While I tried not to let it drag me down, I went through some serious questioning of my skills. It's one thing to put a story up here and have no one appear to read it. But to create something for SOMEONE ELSE and not have them read it or like it or whatever, that would have kicked me down a couple of stairs. So I kept on a game face and got through it and it worked out well and I'm happy with the story although that darn ending eluded me for a long time. I knew WHERE it was but I couldn't get the story to go towards it. The bunny trail ended up being PERFECT so I'm happy with it. I also created a few graphic like things but nowhere near what other people created. My presents... OH MY GOODNESS are they cool. I can't wait to show them off AND I have the opportunity to help her create things for me. That excites me!

7. I've got to go clean out my DVR to make room for this new fall season.

8. Have you watched the Cooking Channel much? I love it! Food Jammers and Cooking Like an Iron Chef are my favorite so far! Check it out! A new place to get a cooking fix!
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