2x Whedonland Birthday Drabbles

Aug 09, 2010 09:36

Title: Time to Leave
Fandom: Firefly (post Serenity)
Characters: Simon/Kaylee
Word Count: 276
Rating: PG
Written for: an_ardent_rain for the whedonland Birthday Week

“What?” Kaylee couldn’t hide the shocked look on her face. If Simon had come into their bunk and told her they should leave the ship and find their own way in the world, she couldn’t have been more surprised. But what... he had come in and told her that they should leave the ship. “We can’t leave.”

While she hyperventilated about the prospect of leaving Serenity, Simon had made himself comfortable in the chair in the corner that she always thought of as Simon’s chair. If they left, where would he sit?

“And why not? There’s a whole universe out there for us to explore. We can’t stay on this ship forever.”

“What?” She could feel her world tilting and it wasn’t just because Serenity was acting up. In fact, she’d been calm lately, doing exactly what was asked of her without a hem or a haw. Just when she was starting to iron out all the kinks, Simon wanted to get up and leave?

“Kaylee, I know this is a lot for you to take in but it’s not like I’m asking you to leave tomorrow.”

No time would be a good time to leave, though. Tomorrow. Next week. Three years from now. She didn’t want to leave. Instead of answering, she pulled the bedsheet over her head so she could curl up. If Simon couldn’t find her, he couldn’t make her leave. For now, her hedgehog routine would work. She hated to think what he might do when she came out of hiding. But she wouldn’t think of that right now. That was another problem for another time.

Title: Not Surprise
Characters: Parker, Alec
Word Count: 377
Rating: PG
Written For: penikitty for the whedonland Birthday Week
Prompt: RED for 5_prompts

Parker stared at the door, skeptical that there was anything good waiting for her behind it. She was no fan of closed doors. They hid surprises and surprises were trouble. Today, of all days, she wanted nothing to do with surprises. What she didn’t know, couldn’t hurt her.

The door opened and Alec stuck his head out. “I was just coming to find you. What’re you doing out here in the hall?”

She shook her head, refusing to answer him. If she didn’t say anything, maybe he’d leave her alone.

Not Alec. He wasn’t the sort to leave well enough alone. “She’s out here,” he yelled over his shoulder before sliding out into the hallway beside her. The door was still open just the slightest bit, enough that she could hear the low hum of conversation.

“It’s your birthday, today.” She nodded at his true statement, not sure what system he’d hacked to find that information. “We’re throwing you a party.”

“I don’t like surprises,” she mumbled.

“It’s not a surprise. I emailed you the date and time and told you to wear something that wasn’t black. I don’t want you messing up my photos of the event, girl.”

“Everything behind that door is a surprise.”

Alec shook his head, a gesture she’d seen him do when he was irritated and not sure what to do about it. “Okay, how about this. I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on in there and then it won’t be a surprise. It’ll be like you walked out to get some air and are just walking back in again. Will that work?”

She nodded after giving it some thought. He ran down where everyone was standing, what they were wearing and what they’d talked about. Now that her interest was piqued, she didn’t care about those things but listened dutifully.

“There isn’t a cake.”

“What? No cake? How is that a birthday party?”

“Hold on there, Trigger. We didn’t get you a cake. We got you cupcakes.”

She considered the ramifications of that decision for a moment before linking her arm in his. “That’s good enough for me. Let’s get in there before Eliot eats them all.”

Alec smiled, shook his head and steered her toward the door. “Exactly my thought.”

5_prompts, 2010, gift, leverage, whedonverse

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