My Whedonland gifts

Aug 09, 2010 15:13

I don't normally share what I got but I got some really cool things!

From yhlee - Leverage (Parker, Alec)
Parker looked crestfallen. "You don't like it?"

"No, no," Hardison hastened to assure her. "I love it! It's just, ah..."


The word he had thought of was "excessive," but he didn't want to seem unappreciative. "It's just that most people don't play Team Fortress 3 on university-grade superclusters. Which doesn't mean we can't start the trend!"

"I would make an excellent Spy," Parker informed him.

Hardison looked at the university-grade supercluster. Stolen from a bona fide university, no doubt. "I think you would make an excellent whatever you want to grow up to be, Parker."

Parker beamed.

By meridian_rose - Leverage (Parker/Sophie)
It's not the first explosion Parker has survived but it scares Sophie more than she can articulate.

"Put her in the shower," Sophie orders and Eliot complies. She's so tiny and fragile in the large man's strong embrace, covered in dust and bits of concrete. If she's hurt, Sophie can't see for the dirt.

Eliot turns on the shower and Hardison hovers at the bathroom door, afraid.

"Out," Sophie snaps, stripping off her own blouse and kicking off her shoes. As Eliot goes, reluctantly, trying to drag Hardison away and shutting the door, Sophie wiggles out of her skirt. In only her underwear she gets into the shower, crouches down beside Parker.

"I'm all right," Parker insists.

"We'll see," Sophie says, lump in her throat. "Come here. Can you get up?"

Parker's clothes are already soaked through and are difficult to remove, but eventually a pile of sodden garments in on the bathroom floor. Sophie grabs a sponge and gently cleans the pale skin. A few bruises, a scrape on one elbow, a cut by an eyebrow, but nothing serious.

"Here," Sophie says, "this is my best shower lotion, from Paris. You don't want to know how much it costs." She pours the liquid into her palm and rubs it over Parker shoulders, working it along her arms, then, hesitantly, the other woman's breasts.

"That's nice," Parker says dreamily.

Emboldened, Sophie works her way down Parker's torso, her buttocks, her legs.

"It smells nice, like you," Parker says.

Sophie swallows hard. "Would you like me to wash your hair?"

Parker nods in agreement and expensive shampoo is applied to her blonde locks. Sophie rubs at Parker's scalp, massaging it gently, then rubs at the lengths of hair, trying to get every last bit of dirt out. It takes two more rinses and applications before Parker's hair is clean, but it's worth the time it takes.

"All clean, sweetheart," Sophie says, relieved and disappointed in equal parts.

"Thank you," Parker says suddenly, and she looks momentarily vulnerable.

Sophie leans forward and embraces her tightly. "My pleasure." She experimentally tips her head and presses her lips to Parker's. Parker hesitates then responds, returning the kiss.

Eliot ruins the moment by banging on the door. "Sophie, what's going on?"

"Bugger," Sophie swears to Parker's amusement. "We're fine," she calls.

Sophie gets out of the shower and finds a fluffy bath sheet, holding it out for Parker to step into. She wraps it around Parker as gently as she might coddle a child, though her thoughts are not as innocent as her actions.

"We could send them out," Parker says mischievously as Sophie takes up a smaller towel and rubs industriously at Parker's hair. "Tell them I want pizza from that place across town."

They'd be gone for at least forty minutes, Sophie thinks.

"Yes," she says. "That's a good idea. They'll do whatever you want right now."

"Will you?"

Sophie pauses. "Yes," she says.

It's only forty minutes but they make the most of it, and Sophie's sure that it's not to be their last time, but the first of many.

By squint13 - Doctor Who (the Doctor, River)
She smiled at him, and immediately his hearts started to beat faster. She looked younger, and he guessed she was in her late twenties. Yes, that seemed about right.

Her clothes were wrinkled and dirty, her hair a mess, and he thought she was the most beautiful creature he'd ever seen.

He walked over to her, gave her a smile, and said,

"Hello! I'm the Doctor, and you must be River Song."

She looked flattered that he knew her name, but also slightly curious.

"I am, yes. Nice to meet you, Doctor. How did you know my name?"

"Oh, I've been talking to some people and they mentioned you and I asked and..."

"You are such a liar." She winked at him. "But it's fine, your pretty features more than enough makes up for that."

He felt his cheeks turn red, but decided to ignore it and pretend like he wasn't at all affected by her.

"Well... okay then, good." He gestured towards her hair and clothes. "Rough day at work?"

"You could say so. There were... circumstances, and I had to leave the excavation site in a haste."

"Ah-ha. I see. And did those circumstances involve, by any chance, lizard-like pigs?"

River giggled, and didn't at all seem surprised that he knew about the creatures that had suddenly appeared in the cave where she and her crew had been working.

"They were horrible! So vicious. But quite cute, in a way. Scared the others half to death. I had to... well, never mind that." She raised an eyebrow at the Doctor. "I see what you're doing, you're trying to get me to talk about myself so I won't ask about you."

He grinned at her. "Maybe. You want to ask me something?"

She pondered for a moment, nodded. "Right now, just one thing."

"And that would be?"

"Buy me a drink?"

"Sure." He offered her his arm, but they'd only taken a few steps when a loud scream came from behind.

Making its way through the crowd was one of the lizardpigs River had encountered earlier. Drinks were spilled, toes were stepped on, and plants fell to the floor as people panicked.

"I guess we'll have to take that drink later", the Doctor said and grinned as the creature ran straight towards them. River rolled her eyes at his obvious gleefullness, but couldn't help but smile herself.

By evangelin1202 - Angel (Wesley/Faith)
Wesley had felt pain under Faith’s hands. Sometimes, when he let himself remember, he could still feel the glass cutting into him. He could feel it burning. The pain. The pain became intoxicating after a while but it always had that edge. That dangerous edge that burned and froze you at the same time. It was what separated you from insanity, from falling in love with the pain. But he had forgiven. He had forgiven her long before he forgave himself. Because the bad Slayer had had a bad Watcher. There was no denying it. Would a good Watcher have made a difference? Maybe. They’ll never know. They didn’t need to know. They weren’t Slayer and Watcher anymore. They had forgiven. And Wesley felt pleasure under Faith’s hands.

By needtakehave - Doctor Who (a new Doctor)
The Doctor looked at the mirror and grunted. Revenge was going to be sweet indeed.

Men with their persistent sexual thoughts. Men with their constant desire for sex. Men with their oblivious nature to everyone else, especially to those who needed them. The Doctor would make them pay.

The Doctor turned from the mirror, her eyes narrowed in anger. She was finally a woman with her own set of needs, wants, and desires - and unfortunately, a dearth of new problems and inconveniences she didn't understand at all.

She tried to remember back when her body was male; would she have been callous or understanding of herself in this state, fraught with odd aches and pains? She shook her head - no, her last incarnation had been adventure first and compassion last.

Bloody men! She was going to destroy them all... just as soon as - she searched her mind for the correct word for the agony emanating from her maligned pelvic floor - these cramps went away.

From afrocurl - a Doctor Who fic rec The Road Not Taken

Also a variety of icons and a really cool sig tag (that you can check out here if you care to see them all)

Last but definitely not least
By mfirefly10 - Leverage video (Eliot/Kaye Lynn)

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