Fic: Memory (Sirius/Alice)

Aug 09, 2010 15:38

Title: Memory
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Sirius/Alice
Word Count: 253
Rating: R
Prompt: The prompts this weeks at hp_humpdrabbles were: This Ain’t A Love Song by Scouting For Girls & “One of the hardest things in life is watching the person you love, love someone else” - Author Unknown & Faded Memories (I kinda went for all of them even though the second one is merely implied)
Author Note: This is written in the same AU as my Marauder Big Bang story. Needless to say, Alice isn't a Longbottom... and never will be.

He could feel the piece of paper that was her picture scraping at his skin from the pocket of his trousers. It was the only thing he had left of her. A Muggle picture (the kind that didn’t move but had a certain artful quality that made her look prettier than she really was) and a memory.

”I thought you said this was goodbye, Sirius.” She arched her back so that all the bits he loved, her breasts and the warmth between her legs where his bits fit so nicely, were pressed against him. She was a minx, this one. Hadn’t fought him off as he’d undressed her, each piece of clothing taking away some of her inhibitions. Not her anger. Never that. He liked when Alice was angry. All her fight came out when she was naked and he had her up against the stone walls of this prison they called a school.

“It is,” he told her. He’d meant it this time. “There’s no going back for the two of us. We were never meant to be.”

She squeezed those muscles in that warmth of hers until he couldn’t think about anything but sliding in and out and back in again. Before he was lucid about anything other than her body, she was gone,

The memory wasn’t as good as the real thing. He wanted to see Alice so much his soul was raw from the wanting. She was a memory now. Just a memory.

first order, 2010, sirius/alice, hp_humpdrabbles, !fanfic

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