Fic: Come Out and Play

Mar 07, 2010 15:16

Title: Come Out and Play
Fandom: Angel
Characters: Dru/Fred
Written for: zoesmith at the whedonland Birthday Week!
Prompt: a lock of hair at 5_prompts
Word Count: 353
Author's Note: implied femmeslash

Late at night, just when the voices in her head grew more insistant, she heard the stars talking to her. At first she hadn’t believed what exactly it was that she could hear singing but it was hard not to believe after her midnight visitor came through the window.

“Such a lovely girl,”the stars whispered, brushing back a lock of hair from her clammy skin. “And such beautiful eyes. I can see all the way to your soul.”

Fred shivered at the way the stars said the word soul, like it was an evil word that they didn’t like to say. She liked being called a lovely girl, though. That made her happy so that she purred against the cool hand on her cheek.

“Who are you?” Fred asked, always liking to know the names for things. It made them easier to understand.

“I am mother. Father. Brother and sister. I am everyone… and no one.” Lips touched Fred’s cheek, soft and firm, sending sparks of passion straight to her core. “And you are precious, a gift like no other.”

“I am? No one’s ever thought I was a gift before.”

Dark eyes, full of promise and pain, filled her vision. “That’s because no one knows what you are. They don’t see you like I do. I see the true woman you are. They only see what they want to see. Too bad they don’t see the truth.”

Fred gasped as the stars drew slashed at her wrist, drawing blood immediately to the surface of the cut. She closed her eyes and gave herself over to the pleasure the stars saw fit to grant to her. Pleasure she had never felt before and feared, in the deep of night when her nightmares were at their strongest, never would.

The next morning, Fred had nothing to show for her night of pleasure but a tiny white scar and an ache between her legs that made her quiver all over whenever she thought of it. She found herself glaring at the sun, wishing it would disappear so that the stars could come out an play once again.

5_prompts, 2010, gift, whedonverse

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