Fic: Time to Get Clean (Jossverse)

Jan 30, 2010 23:47

TITLE: Time to Get Clean
AUTHOR: lar_laughs
FANDOM: Buffy Season 8 (graphic novel series)
PAIRING: Xander/Dawn (oh, yeah baby!)
PROMPT: "shippy fic" at whedonland and 89. desire at 100_tales
SUMMARY: They've been fighting the good fight but now it's time for Dawn and Xander to take time for themselves.
WARNINGS: spoilers for the last four or five issues in this current arc, nerd foreplay
AUTHOR'S NOTE: I didn't go back through my past issues to see where the bathroom might be located in Oz's house... or even if there is one inside. I sure hope he hasn't actually mentioned a bathroom before!
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from any of Joss' kingdom. I merely dabble in the shadows of those wondrous worlds.

“You’re beautiful, you know.”

Dawn smiled over her shoulder at the man standing just in the doorway as she brushed her hair in front of the mirror. “I haven’t had a shower in days and my hair is horribly matted. You must need glasses for that single eye of yours.”

“Granted, you’re the dirtiest I think I’ve ever seen you but that doesn’t mean you aren’t beautiful.” Xander wrapped his arms around her, pulling her back against his body. “And I’m okay with the dirt. Especially this smudge of dirt back here on your neck. Shall I clean it off for you?”

“Only if you don’t lick it off,” she started to say but she was too late. The sensation of Xander’s lips on her skin was still new enough that she tensed. It was hard to shrug off the gesture as she felt him back off, giving her space she hadn’t really meant to ask for.

“I can wait for you to take a shower if that’s what you want.”

But that wasn’t what she wanted. If she walked away from him now, it would take another day of flirting to get back where they were at this moment. She didn’t have the willpower to go through that again. There were too many people in a space meant to hold half this many. Glances and smiles were all they had for most of the day and the rest was taken up with the sleep of the truly weary. Saving the world was hard work. There were times she wished she was a giant because at least she had her own space.

Thoughts of making out with Xander while they were both giant-sized made her giggle. She tried to squelch the sound but he heard her. Now it was his turn to hold completely still. “What was that for?”

She turned so she was facing him, her kiss landing squarely on his collarbone even though she’d hoped to get higher. It was tough being short once again. “I was thinking of just how much fun we could have if we, perhaps, took a shower together.”

“But we’d….” Xander swallowed several times before he was able to continue speaking. “We’d have to walk back out into the main room and then-“

“Last time I saw Buffy, she was out back talking with Willow. From the look on their faces, they were getting pretty intense. The conversation could go on for hours. You know how those two get when they’re schemeing.”

She thought he might try to argue her reasoning but instead he grabbed her hand and began pulling her toward the hall. Before Dawn could even think of protesting, they were nearly to the small room at the back of the tiny structure Oz called home these days. The room was so full that she doubted anyone even noticed what they were doing or where they were headed.

“Easy as pie.” Xander was panting as he closed the door, cutting off the view of anyone that might have noticed them. “We need to talk about the tempurature of the water we plan on using. I, for one, prefer my water to be on the mildly warm side, with just a hint of heat so that I’m not freezing but cool enough that I feel refreshed.”

Dawn was leaning back against the sink, her trademark smirk firmly in place. “What?”

“The water.” He held up his hands in an attempt to help explain his words. “You know… for the shower.”

She pursed her lips, trying not to grin like a foolish idiot. Instead, she decided to let her actions tell him just how stupid he was. First, she slipped her arms out of her shirt and used them to push the fabric up to her shoulders. Slowly, ever so slowly, she lifted the shirt over her head and let it fall from her fingers. Next, Dawn unbuttoned her jeans but didn’t do more than part the material to show off her silk underwear. She remembered how she’d lamented over the fact that no one would ever see it. Now it looked to be a good purchase.

“Would you rather help me get these the rest of the way off or,” she indicated the small shower stall, “would you rather make sure that the water is the perfect tempurature?”

It took him exactly four seconds to reach her. Dawn knew this because she’d started counting her heartbeats as soon as she finished talking. When he was done kissing her this time, she could barely see straight. It was a good thing he was handy enough to start in on getting her jeans off her hips and down her legs because Dawn was finding it difficult to stay standing. It wasn’t just that he’d kissed her (oh, my how he’d kissed her) or that he was touching her as much as he possibly could as he worked the material off her. No, she was fighting to stay in the moment because this was finally going to happen. Not just the kissing and the other stuff that would happen in the space of time that it would take her to get her underwear off and for Xander to get naked, but a shower. An honest-to-goodness shower.

When she sighed with pleasure, Xander looked up. “Like that, Dawny?”

“I’ll like it even more when we’re in there.” She pointed toward the shower stall but she didn’t have to wait long.

Xander, ever the gallant knight, lifted her into his arms. “Time to get clean.”

“Sounds like heaven.”

graph fic, 2010, btvs, whedonverse

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