kicking butt and taking names

Feb 01, 2010 17:31

There are times when the girl is work with (most often I call her coworker) is the biggest git in the whole world. She is often stupid and that is what I expect. But she when she gets completely unwilling to understand what she should have understood A YEAR ago, I get angry. Today, I spent most of my day angry with her. At one point, I even asked her why she'd done something. She just opens her eyes wider and came up with some lame explanation about counting day supply. Really? On what? Cause if you had one BIT of sense, you would have LISTENED to me when I handed the script to you and you would have realized that it needed to be done TODAY because if you had looked at the previous script, you would have counted the day supply to TODAY. DUDE! She makes me want to cuss.

But what really gets me is that there is no easy fix to the coworker problem. Do you know who they blame? Me. Because they don't want to fire her because I could "quit at any time" and they don't want to be left with no one around. Umm... I've told you that I won't be leaving at least in the next year. I've also told you that I WILL give you at least a month's notice because that is the sort of person that I am and I'll be sure to tell you the moment I begin looking for a job. But you still don't trust me to do that. And you won't fire her even though she is the MOST INCOMPETENT PERSON IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND IS GETTING TO BE CRAP AT CUSTOMER SERVICE AS WELL. I want to leave JUST because she's there. It's getting to where I don't want to get out of bed in the morning to work at a job that I mildly enjoy. Do NOT blame this on me. I'm not the person who hired her in the first person and I'm not the person who should have fired her a year ago. It's not like she just realized that she's stupid. She's been stupid for awhile.

I will grin and bear it. One reason is that I would have to leave this area to find a job. Another is that I do like the benefits that I get at this job. And I like the other people I work with and even some of the customers. It's a decent job. The best part of the day is her lunch hour.

*sigh* I've got to get to the point where it doesn't bother me anymore. This is eating at me and I'm tired of it. No job is perfect and very few coworkers are perfect. Even I am not perfect. I still make my share of mistakes... mostly because I get lazy and don't check everything. Must stop being lazy and remember to check EVERYTHING.

And on to better subjects... it's Monday and it's the best day of the week for TV shows! Hooray!
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