New Year Drabble: At a Great Personal Loss (Doctor Who)

Jan 15, 2010 23:29

Title: At a Great Personal Loss
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Martha Jones/Mickey Smith
Word Count: 894
Prompt: Thank you for not smoking
Spoilers/Timeline: End of Time, Part 2 (and man, am I glad I saw it before I finished this!)
For slightlyjillian who asked for one of my New Year drabbles

This was not the first time that Martha wished she had a version of the Doctor’s police box for herself. It was hard to be human after traveling with a Time Lord for so long. She’d forgotten just how crowded an airport could be during holidays, not to mention the terror level was at red. She’d been lucky this time. The guards hadn’t given her a second glance. Mickey wasn’t so lucky, though.

“I think that short one liked you,” she muttered as they made their way through the mass of people, keeping their packs as close to their bodies as possible. Losing this part of their luggage would be the icing on the cake… if the cake was made of rancid fat and bovine excrement. Nothing had gone right on this assignment. That included the partner she’d been given.

“He was getting a little fresh, that one was,” he growled. “Why are they always attracted to me? Why not to you? You’re the prettier of the two of us.”

“You antagonize them. If you’d stop being so damned obvious, you’d stop being noticed and than the pretty boys wouldn’t notice your smile.”

“Obvious?” Mickey glared at her as he put an arm around her shoulders. “I like to think of myself as interesting. Don’t you find me interesting, sweetest?”

She held back her first instinct to answer, “Of course,” and instead replied, “No, I find you odd. Now quite pawing at me like you’re a horny teenager.”

They were just in time for their flight, a great feat considering how many people suddenly wanted to fly even with the Sontaran war ships swarming the skies. With the peace treaty tentatively holding (but not for long if she and Mickey had any say in it), it was either now or never to get from one place to another using air transportation.

The lady in front of them as they lined up to board the plane was agitated. She held a packet of cigarettes in one hand, jostling them with nervous energy as she waited. The airline attendants had her in their targets but were so overwhelmed with customers that they were unable to get to her right away. Martha watched nervously as one of them walked toward their part of the line with determination.”

“Ma’am, please put those away. We’ll thank you not to smoke in the airport terminal proper. There are places where you’re allowed but I wouldn’t recommend it if you want to make this connection.”

“Is it true-“ but the woman was unable to finish her question. Instead she turned to face Martha and Mickey. “They say that the planes are running heavy and we’ll be lucky to have our luggage waiting for us when we arrive. One lady said one of the attendants told her they wouldn’t be able to match up all the bags with their owners. Not for a very long time, what with the impending war.”

“War,” Mickey scoffed, but Martha was thinking of all the clothes she’d packed.

All they really needed to do their job would be waiting for them or were secreted on their person (amazing things she’d learned how to do from UNIT, especially when it came to hiding things in plain sight) but she’d been hoping for some down time when they were done saving the planet. They would be so near the beach. Too close to not visit. Her new bikini was packed in that bag that should be under the plane right now. She didn’t want to lose it without Mickey ever getting to see her wearing it.

“Damn,” she whispered.

“So you think it’s for real?” the nearly hysterical woman asked. “Every single photograph of my granddaughter is in my bag. I’d taken them with me when I went to visit my husband. He’s in a hospital and doesn’t remember her well. I wanted him to see how she’s grown. And now I’ll lose them all.”

Other people around them had heard their conversation and were beginning to panic. Martha felt a moment of guilt that she’d been so worried about losing some clothes that could just as easily be replaced. There were people all around her that stood to lose much more than a luggage packed with vacation clothes.

“Mickey, we’ve got to help them.” She tugged at her new husband’s arm. “If they lose their memories, the Sontaran’s might as well defeat us once and for all.”

Even though he rolled his eyes, Mickey let her pull him out of line. “We’re not getting our little bag of peanuts today, are we?”

Just because he deserved it for putting up with her, Martha gave him a proper kiss. “No, I’m afraid not. But we’re going to make sure that these people are happy as well as safe. Might as well do it proper, like the Doctor would. If you’re a good boy, I’ll dress up like a stewardess later and give you the talk so you’ve felt like you’ve got your wings today.”

He kissed her back and, like the cheeky boy he was, got in a good feel of her right breast. “And tomorrow? Will we go flying tomorrow?”

“Maybe. If you’re a good boy.” She moved away, not an easy thing to do when he was of a single purpose. “Come on, then. We’ve got luggage to save.”

2010, doctor who, new year drabble

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