Fic: Any Which Way

Jan 15, 2010 23:25

TITLE: Any Which Way
FANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Marietta Edgecombe/Gregory Goyle
PROMPT: Please me, show me how it's done. Tease me, you are the one. at hp_humpdrabbles
RATING: as R as I could make it
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.

Goyle had her up against the wall, his thick arm pressed against her throat before she realized she was moving. His eyes were narrowed with rage and, she hoped, lust. While he was fully dressed, Marietta was completely naked. Pity she’d put her hair up to show off her long neck to best advantage. It would make quite a waterfall over his arm, shivering over him with each breath he took.

“Who do you think you’re dealing with, Edgecombe? One of your little Raventwits?”

She shook her head as much as she could in the choke hold. If she could have answered, she would have tried to explain that she knew very well who she was dealing with and Merlin forbid if she ever compared him with any of the Ravenclaw boys. They were all… bland. They were content to sit for hours and read. While that had a place and time, she wanted a man who would stimulate more than just her brain cells.

Instead of trying to get away from his anger, Marietta reached out and ran the back of her hand down his cheek before tracing a finger around his lips. She could feel him begin to shiver.

“What are you doing to me?” If she’d been able to touch his bare skin, she didn’t think he could sound any more tortured.

“Let me show you,” she mouthed, her hand sliding up into his hair as an anchor to keep her in place no matter what he decided to do with her. The tension in his arm increased and then, suddenly, she was free. Instead of moving away, trying to suck air into her tortured lungs like they would have appreciated, she jumped up, wrapping her legs around his waist.

“Show me how it’s done,” she whispered again even as her vocal chords protested. It had angered him when she’d first said it. Maybe she could get something different started this time. This time, when her back hit the wall, every glorious bit of him was pushed against her.

“Don’t tease me.” His mouth was right by her ear so the whisper sounded like a shout.

She shook her head. “Never.”

One hand found her breast and she lost track of where the conversation had been going. This was what she’d wanted when she’d snuck into his room. She tightened her grip with her legs, pressing her aching center closer to the ridge she could feel under his trousers. He was most definitely the one for her. While she wasn’t sure how to convince him of that, it was enough that she was going to get this one taste of what sex could be. Maybe it would be enough of a taste for him that she wouldn’t have to beg. But she would if she had to. Oh, yes. She would most definitely beg for more.

slytherin, 2010, hp_humpdrabbles, goyle/marietta, ravenclaw

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