I could do with some chocolate

Jan 15, 2010 22:22

Man, a lot has happened around here since I was online on Tuesday!

I worked my way through help_haiti and am crossing my fingers that I don't win all of the banner/LJ layout/wallpaper posts that I bid on. I want a new layout but I certainly don't want to win them all! Also bid on some other random things (too bad I don't need that hour of math tutoring!) that I wouldn't mind having. I feel better about those!

Have felt like crap all week long but am feeling better. Went back to work on Wednesday because I didn't think the building would still be standing if coworker was allowed to stay there alone for much longer. Should probably have stayed out one more day but it worked out.

A local website is looking for a part time html Support Person and I'm thinking of putting in my resume. If I could work it so that I could keep my full time job but get to learn all the new information I would need (they're willing to train the "right person") and make some money in some of my down time, that would make it all worth it!

Got second DVD of Season 1 of Hex from Netflix today! Can't wait! I'd seen most of first DVD when it was on BBC America a couple of years ago but I missed most of the rest of the show.

My jossverse_bb is hovering around the 7000 word mark. That's nearly halfway! And I know where it's going because I have a good working outline (bet you never thought you'd hear me say that) and the end is planned and mega-outlined so I know EXACTLY where I'm going!

On the other hand, my rarepair_shorts fic is giving me fits. I worked out some of the problems on the way home tonight. I started in what I thought was a good place and I know what I want the end to be but the bits in the middle aren't falling together like I wish they would. Read somewhere that an author said that the words that she worked the hardest for were the best so I'm really hoping that means good things for this fic! The premise is good and the characters are cool so... here's hoping!

Just was told we're going to Twin Falls tomorrow! Whoo-hoo! I'll get to use my Christmas gift cards and return some of those unused presents (yeah, I bought a couple of random things that I didn't end up using and can't use myself. Hmmm... I could always put it up on help_haiti... *grins*
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