Three Drabbles for first_order

Dec 02, 2009 15:07

Title: One Final Word
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Minerva McGonigal/Rolanda Hooch
Word Count: 214
Prompt: for liliths_requiem who asked for Hooch/McGonagall - Minerva decides to join the Order at thefirst_order Drabble-A-Thon

“What are you thinking?” Rolanda asks, her color high as she thinks of all the ways she’s going to find her friend dead or dying. “He’s asking too much of you.”

“It’s not too much.” The brooch at Minerva’s throat moves spastically as the woman swallows the bile welling up in her stomach. She hadn’t thought Rolanda would look at her as if she was an idiot. This was supposed to be something the two of them could do together. A bond, of sorts.

The wry golden eyes narrow. “What did he say to make all your good sense fly out the window? You should know better. You’re not a child.”

“And neither are you.” Minerva lifts her chin to keep the tears in her eyes from sliding down her cheeks. “If you would spend a moment thinking of someone other than yourself, you would see just how much this idea makes sense.”

Rolanda dismisses her with a wave of her hand. “Not any sense I’ve ever seen. You’re a fool, Min.”

“Fine. Rather a fool doing good than an intelligent woman doing nothing.” She considers one final insult but decides to leave friends rather than alienating the woman who has been more than just a friend for all these years. “Good bye, Rolanda.”

Title: Forward as Ordered
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Dorcas Meadows/James Potter
Word Count: 206
Prompt: for deathlydragon who asked for James/Dorcas - in the woods at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

There was absolutely no light filtering through the thick foliage of the forest. Dorcas had never seen such absolute blackness outside of her childhood closet, the very place that all sorts of monsters resided. She shivered before she could stop herself from showing her true fear of the place.

“Do you want me to go in first?” she asked, glad that her voice was steady even though she could feel her wand hitting her leg as her hand shook it this way and that. “You take the rear position?”

“If that’s what you want,” James said with a leer.

At first she was taken back by his blatant blue humour before she realized what the young man was doing. He saw her fear and understood it for what it was, an off-shoot of her childhood that she couldn’t control as easily as she would like. Instead of pursing her lips together in her usual frown, she found herself giggling. “Shut it, you. Just for that, you can go first and I’ll take the rear.”

As he moved past her, she reached out and slapped his backside. “Cheeky bastard,” she whispered under her breath but the darkness was no longer as dense as it had been before.

Title: Doing the Important Things
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Kingsley Shacklebolt
Word Count: 198
Prompt: for ceria_taliesin who asked for Kingsley Shacklebolt - first arrest at the first_order Drabble-A-Thon

Every muscle had been so tense he’d been unable to relax for hours after. It wasn’t just fear and worry but a sense of anticipation that he hadn’t thought he’d feel. He was enjoying himself, he’d realized as he walked behind Edgar to the designated spot where they would meet their informant. With that information, they could carry on with the arrest. His first arrest.

Thinking about it now as he sat before the fire at 11 Downing Street, Kingsley wondered that he hadn’t completely obliterated their prey with a heavy spell in his excitement. It had been a night that he would never forget, that was for sure. Edgar wouldn’t let him.

The formal white card lay on the cushion beside him, just one of many annual cards sent in honour of that day with the same line as all the rest. I didn’t know if I was going to escape with my life that night. Thanks for the laugh.

“Thanks for the laugh, yourself,” he chuckled, lost in daydreams of a time when he’d felt like he was doing something important. He wondered if he’d ever feel the same sense of satisfaction in his current occupation.

2009, first order

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