TITLE: She Is Enough
lar_laughsFANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Caradoc Dearborn/Marlene McKinnon
PROMPT: all the thanks I need for the Speed Drabble Challenge
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.
Caradoc would have gone a step further and done the dishes but she'd said that dinner was enough. It was Marlene's birthday and presents were sparse right now. He barely had time to sleep, let alone shop on the meager budget they had for things other than necessities. At the rate they were going into fights, he was going to need a new wand soon. She was was dealing with nightmares that left her weak and shaky resulting in weekly trips to the Apothecary for remedies costing as much as a small rent payment.
But she was there at the end of the day, her silent embrace giving him the opportunity to work through the emotions each battle brought to the forefront of his mind. Was this the right path? Should he have listened to his mother and gone to the Continent instead of fighting a fool's fight? If he'd gone when she'd pressed at him, he never would have met Marlene. She was the light at the end of every day and the warm spot throughout each night. Just when he was questioning his motives, she smiled at him with the gentle way she had. It was thanks enough.
TITLE: We Need You
lar_laughsFANDOM: Harry Potter
PAIRING: Tonks/Kingsley
PROMPT: full of grace for the Speed Drabble Challenge
WORD COUNT: 300 (although Google Docs also says it might have just 299 so I don't know who to believe)
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any part of, nor do I make any money from the Harry Potter franchise. I merely dabble in the shadows of the world of JK Rowling created.
Tonks had never thought of herself as graceful. The first day she entered the Auror office, she tripped over a rug. That was her excuse even though everyone could easily see that the rug was three feet behind her. Thankfully, her skills gave her an edge where her clumsiness made her a spectacle.
"We need you." She'd never heard those words before but in the space of a year she heard them twice. First, from Susan Bones who had singled her out on the very day she was thinking of quitting Auror training for something simpler... like spelunking in Turkey.
The second time was from a tall, dark man with sparkling eyes. "We need you, Tonks. The Ministry isn't doing a damn thing to stop the threat. There aren't many people we can trust these days. It's not like it was... before."
"Why me, Auror Shacklebolt?"
He'd grinned. "Call me Kingsley. And the fact that you need to ask is answer enough. You've never let your talent tangle with your ego."
As she tried to work through the fact that he thought she was talented, she headed for a wall. It was embarrassing but she was still fixated on the talent he saw in her. "That's me. Miss Graceful," she muttered.
"You've got more grace than you think, Tonks. Most people would have crashed to the floor after a performance. You're walking away nearly unscathed." He handed over a white handkerchief. "You've got some blood. Just... there."
Her heart rate accelerated. "So... The Order. Where do I sign up?"
"Really? I don't need to do any more convincing?"
"You want me, you've got me." In more ways than just this one but she'd hold off on that declaration until she was able to get his handkerchief back to him.