
Sep 26, 2009 21:56

You know, I can't say it often but right now my fandoms rock my world! I mod a community (first_order) that I started because there was no real place to put my Caradoc/Marlene stories... once again, I was finding myself linking to the Lexicon and that makes Lar a very unhappy fanfic writer. So I created my own space. I've done this in the past with little or no response and it died as soon as that particular writing muse.

But this time, I seem to have hit on an idea in fandom where there was really a need. And it seems that if I give them reasons to post, they will post! Not only is there a major writing challenge going on for the whole month of September but I put up the Speed Writing Drabble Challenge in the community (putting it here on my journal was a complete whim just to see what would happen) and it EXPLODED. Overnight, around thirty drabbles appeared. I have never wielded that kind of power before! Nor have I ever discovered a niche that needed to be filled.

It leaves me a little breathless, let me tell you!

For my birthday, I get to read drabbles! Hooray!

Thanks, guys! This means a lot to me on this birthday, especially. It's my first one back online and most of you didn't even KNOW me a year ago! It doesn't help that real life is sort of sucking right now. I know better than to think that online will make it better but it sort of does. At least enough that I feel like a little piece of my world is normal.

So... again... Thank You!
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