Fic: Studying the Important Things (Veronica Mars)

Sep 07, 2009 22:12

Title: Studying the Important Things
Fandom: Veronica Mars (the College Years)
Characters: Veronica/Mac
Word Count: 593
Prompt: magic, ice cream and 50. Comfort at 100_tales
Written for: zoesmith at the whedonland Fic Fest
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: Implied femmeslash

Veronica lay her head down on the cool tabletop. She’d just watched the hands of the clock move forward a full minute. That was all she’d done. There were piles of books in front of her, on the chair beside her and at her feet. She’d opened all of them tonight. Read things out of them, even. Still the notebook page in front of her was pristine. Whiter than it had been before she’d begun as she’d wiped her hands over it so many times in hopes that there was some magic in the air tonight that would write the words out for her.

“Trouble?” As if drawn by her sudden thoughts of magic, Mac stood behind her, massaging the muscles of her neck and upper back.

“You could say that.” Veronica sat up, suddenly more awake than she’d been but still just as depressed. “I’ve got a Criminal Justice paper due in twenty eight hours and nothing to show for it. All the facts are stuck in my head.”

The cool fingers were there at her temple, pressing and smoothing with just the right amount of pressure. “You’ve been working at this for a week. How can all the words still be jammed up there?”

All she could do was shrug before a series of little kisses tattooed where Mac’s hands had been just a moment before. A shiver ran through her as Mac’s lips made their way down to the sensitive skin of her ear.

“If I knew, I’d do something about it.” Her whispered words seemed loud as she alternated between falling into the spell of Mac’s kisses and tiny bites or trying to concentrate on the task at hand. “Will you type it up for me?”

Mac’s groan might have been because of the question or because Veronica had threaded her fingers through the girl’s multi-colored locks, keeping her where she was. “Why can’t you type them up yourself? I offered the laptop.”

“You know I’m horrible at typing things I’ve written myself.” She turned slightly so that she could see the dark eyes she knew by heart. They were red from lack of sleep and from staring at the glare of the computer screen for so long. It was only slightly distracting that their lips were a delicious breath away from being locked in a kiss. “Please?”

“And what will I type? “ Mac glanced over at the empty page, smirking with just the tiniest bit of the irritation she tried to fight off when she was around someone decidely less intelligent. Since that was just about everyone at this college, Veronica knew the look well. “I’d love to be able to read your mind but that’s what we’re learning next semester in Random Mind Tricks 101. I can’t type anything until you have something written out, dearest.”

Veronica sighed. “I know. This class is even one I like but I just can’t process the information right now. I swear it’s all there. Inside my head. Some of it is even good. And I’ve lived a lot of what we’re talking about. I’m the poster child for stakeout fun. “

“How about we go for ice cream? Let the information soak in for a bit.” Mac perched on the edge of the table, her hand rubbing at the spot of worry beside Veronica’s left eye. The muscle there was continually twitching these days. “And if you ask nicely, when we get back, I’ll let you stake out my closet while I figure out what to wear to bed.”

graph fic, 2009, challenge, veronica mars

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