Drabble: Get it Right

Aug 25, 2009 08:48

Title: Get it Right
Fandom: Dollhouse/Whedonverse
Characters: DeWitt/Dominic (if you sqint)
Written for: meridian_rose at the whedonland BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION! (only a few days more)
Word Count: 382

Adelle opened the door to her office, resisting the impulse to swear. It was a bad habit from her past that had nothing to do with this new persona but Dominic made her want to start again. Here he was, making himself comfortable behind her desk as if he deserved the honor. She still wasn’t sure she wanted him there.

“You’re pale today.”

She had to laugh. The man couldn’t use a compliment to save his life. He was trying. She had to hand it to him that he’d taken her advice to use a civil tongue if he wanted something from her. “Thank you, Dominic. You look rather peaked lately as well. Was there something you’re waiting for or is this a social visit?”

He pointed to a handful of showy roses in her grandmother’s crystal vase. “I brought you flowers.”

“A gift. How thoughtful.” Should she tell him she hated roses? They were so austentacious. These were especially large and colorful, the odor wafting from them something added at the flower shop. “So this is a social visit?”

He stood up as she walked around the desk. Her choice of shoes this morning would make her taller than him this morning, something she knew he despised. Who was the dominant now, Laurence?

Instead of the thin smile he normally gave her when she towered over him, her clothing used to every advantage, he smiled. It wasn’t the expression of the hunter going after his prey that he normally wore. This was pure sex.

“Adelle, I’ve been wanting to ask you for the longest time…”

“Yes?” Her words were breathy as she found herself slightly out of sorts with this new persona.

“Would you like to have dinner sometime?”

Damn. She hated this stage of any relationship. They’d go to dinner and make inane conversation for hours until she wanted to crawl away and hide in the nearest bolt hole so she was undetectable by human kind. It was annoying and a waste of her time. She’d expected more of Dominic.

“No.” She captured his chin in her hand, stroking his smooth skin with the pad of her thumb. “But I will let you kiss me. And if I like that, you can do it again. But no dinner. Not yet.”

2009, gift, dollhouse, whedonverse

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