Drabble: A Demon of a Different Ilk

Aug 25, 2009 13:49

Title: A Demon of a Different Ilk
Fandom: Buffy/Star Trek crossover
Characters: Buffy, Andrew, Spock
Written for: circury at the whedonland Birthday Celebration - she wanted a drabble about Andrew meeting Spock. Since I figured Andrew wouldn't get many words out at this meeting, I brought someone else to the party.
Word Count: 425

There was a crash that could be heard throughout the house. Buffy looked up from the book she’d been reading… er, resting her head against. “What was that?”

Willow shrugged, not looking up from her own large text. “Andrew probably tried to use the toaster inappropriately again.”

“Shouldn’t we go check on him?” No one answered her, once again leaving her to clean up yet another of Andrew’s messes. She really needed to teach him that there was more to the food chain than what could be found in the freezer section.

“What do you think-“ Buffy stopped in the doorway, her hand automatically reaching for something pointy. “Get back, Andrew.”

But Andrew wasn’t responding. From the looks of it, the demon had already stolen his breath or possibly crumpled his lungs or something equally disgusting and illogical. This demon didn’t look much like the kind that had been haunting Sunnydale lately. In fact, he was sort of cute… in a pointy eared sort of way.

“No need to for violence.” He glanced down at the roasting fork she’d picked up. “I was asking your friend a question and he seemed to have lost his ability to speak.”

“You didn’t do that to him?”

The demon shoke his head. “I am merely on a expedition to collect data. No one was intended to be hurt.”

“Buffy,” Andrew panted, gasping for breath. “Do you know who this is?”

Buffy shrugged. She really hated playing these guessing games with Andrew. “A demon?”

“This is… this is….” Before he could say anything to enlighten her, his body decided it was tired of not getting the oxygen it needed to operate and he collapsed.

Both Buffy and the demon stared down at him. When it seemed that he wasn’t going to finish the introductions, Buffy took matters into her own hands. “Buffy Summers.”


“Like the guy from Star Trek? Demons watch TV?”

The demon looked thoughtful. “I had forgotten this dimension had discovered our story and televised it for everyone to see. That would explain the odd expressions people were giving me when I arrived. But I’m not a demon. I’m a Vulcan.”

Buffy smirked. “Right. You made a believer out of Andrew so I’ll let you continue the charade. “ An idea came to her and she beckoned him. “While you’re waiting for Andrew to revive, why don’t you come tell me and my friends what you know of about the Trilapex star system. We’re having a hard time locating anything through our normal information channels.”
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