Drabble: A Different Kind of Stake

Aug 17, 2009 20:13

Title: A Different Kind of Stake
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer (around the beginning of Season 8 or perhaps the end of Season 7)
Characters: Xander, assorted Slayers
Prompt: a picture prompt at whedonland
Word Count: 291
Author's Note: Set somewhere around the end of Season 7 or the beginning of Season 8 (graphic novel - which you need to read if you haven't)

Xander caressed the top card in the deck with his finger. “Do we all know the rules?”

The girls around the table all nodded, murmuring their assent as they watched his hand, mesmerized. They had more in common than a Slayer ability. These girls like a challenge. His goal these past several days had been to find a challenge for them that didn’t need a common language. Or a lot of props. They didn’t have a lot to work with here.

But they had a deck of cards and enough pretzel sticks to work as currency. That would have to do.

“Twos are wild. Everything else is up for grabs. Libby, why don’t you start?”

The dark-haired girl looked over her cards, her tongue sticking out between her lips just the tiniest bit as she concentrated. “You said two are wild?”

Several of the girls groaned. Xander, ever the peace-maker, shook his head slightly at them, reminding them of the rules. No complaining or he got to eat your ante. “Yes. Twos are wild.”

“And they go in order?”

More groans. “Yes. From smallest to largest.”

“But I have some A’s. Where do they go?”

Everyone, with the exception of Libby, threw their cards down on the table. Perhaps he would have to explain the idea behind not telling everyone at the table what was in your hand.

Libby smiled and began to pull the pretzels toward her. “Am I the only one still playing? Oh, good. These are all mine.”

This time the groaning wasn’t because of the poor, stupid girl who didn’t understand the game. They’d all been had by the pretty brown eyes that concealed a sharp brain. Xander would definitely have to watch out for this one.

2009, whedonverse

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