Graph Ideas

Aug 15, 2009 20:19

HP Specific:
1. Muggle
2. Ministry of Magic
3. Avada Kadavra
4. Hogwarts
5. Acid Pops
6. Firewhisky
7. Wand
8. Apparate
9. St. Mungo's
10. Lumos

In front of the storm


1. If it were not for hope, the heart would break. -Thomas Fuller

2. Always aim for achievement and forget about success. -Helen Hayes

3. The history of people is found in its song. -George Jellinek

4. Promise me you'll never forget me because if I thought you would I'd never leave. -A.A. Milne

5. The value of an idea lies in the using of it. -Thomas Edison

6. If the world is cold, make it your business to build fires. -Horace Traubel

7. A smile confuses an approaching frown. -unknown

8. It is good to be alone in a garden at dawn or dark so that all its shy presences may haunt you and possess you in a reverie of suspended thought.

9. Happiness is not something you postpone for the future. It is something you design for the present. -Jim Rohn

10. In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. -Martin Luther King Jr.


1. Empathy

2. Rage

3. Sorrow

4. Exhilaration

5. Tired

6. Lonely

7. Refreshed

8. Irritated

9. Timid

10. Satisfied

Random Items:

1. Vapor
2. Glasses
3. Tea
4. Plaid
5. Envelope
6. Scar
7. Light
8. Table
9. Punch
10. Fan
11. Ribbon
12. Cement
13. Horn
14. Dent
15. River

Storm the Gates
Fall Away
Grab on Tight and Don't Let Go
"One word turns into a war"
"Don't even know what we're fighting for"
Swallow Your Pride


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