
Mar 03, 2005 09:21

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Comments 25

rengal March 4 2005, 09:41:52 UTC
Nice -- this'll be _way_ more convenient for you.


backgroundnoise November 7 2005, 07:13:28 UTC
Saw your curtain post in Hip Domestics and I was wondering if you could tell me what the measurements were. Thanks!


lapenn November 7 2005, 07:21:34 UTC
oh, um, yes, I can get the measurements! Let me go look for them :-)

okay, we've got three windows with three different size curtains (such is the problem with custom). they're all 62" long.

set 1: 83' wide by 62" long, and the 2 sheers are 96" long and 60" wide total
set 2: 80" wide by 62" long with 2 sheers 84" long and 60" wide total
set 3: is only one festoon instead of three, and it's 52" wide by 62" long with 2 sheers 96" long and 60" wide total

I'm in the Seattle area, but I can figure out a way to ship anywhere if you're still interested after hearing the dimensions, and I can let you know how much that will cost. I have no clue why they were done that way; the previous owners did them. My parents are looking for $100 for the whole shebang.


backgroundnoise November 7 2005, 17:06:18 UTC
Thanks for the measurements! I didn't realize it was for three windows. I only have one in my tiny apartment. I think they'd go really well on ebay as they're really classy!


lapenn November 7 2005, 19:24:33 UTC
no problem. I'm glad someone out there likes them; I've got simpler tastes. I posted them on craigslist Seattle last night, and I'll put them up on ebay later this week if I get no bites.


yoko August 21 2006, 16:07:55 UTC
Can I add you? I've noticed you in a lot of the same communities as myself and you seem like the type of person I enjoy a good conversation with. :)


lapenn September 2 2006, 03:16:47 UTC
oh, man, I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to get back to you. I actually moved just this month, and I've been getting settled in. I just remembered that I had you on here.

You can definitely add me, and I'll add you back so you can read my stuff (all FO and filtered). It's mostly all personal stuff, and I use LJ cuts so it doesn't clutter up the FL. My more reflective and perhaps interesting posts are on my standard blog (penn.typepad.com)


lapenn September 17 2010, 03:05:20 UTC
woah, we've been friends for 4 years. holy cow! thanks for being a good 'net buddy and being willing to share your life with all of us :-)


spl September 5 2006, 01:32:36 UTC
So I've seen you post a few times in ask_me_anything, and I have to ask. Are you Laura W. who goes to UPenn? From your profile I'm guessing not... worth asking though.


lapenn September 5 2006, 05:29:48 UTC
um, no, not at all. Doesn't it say I go to Michigan in my profile? Anyway, no, my name isn't Laura. Just curious -- why'd you think so?


spl September 5 2006, 12:29:16 UTC
well penn as in upenn, la as in Laura. In their e-mail addresses they use the first to letters of the first name, so her e-mail is laLastname... Oh well, it was worth the try. Also, she loves to read (book tease avatar).


muralidhar September 7 2006, 22:57:32 UTC
loved your comment on _science_ LJ group. proud of you, that you ran a science club(AWESM connection! wow! they are big in NC State). what is your graduate degree in? it will be my privilege to add you as my LJ friend.


lapenn September 7 2006, 23:26:03 UTC
AWSEM was an excellent experience. I really enjoyed it :-)

I'm getting my PhD in Ecology & Evolutionary bio. I study community ecology, and I'm still exploring to figure out what I want to research.

My journal is FO and highly personal, so I don't add people back until I get to know them quite well via LJ. I'm sorry, since that probably comes off as quite exclusive. However, feel free to visit my mainstream blog -- penn.typepad.com -- which is honestly more interesting than my LJ. my LJ is mostly me venting steam about various aspects of life, whereas my typepad blog talks about my travels, science, life, and whatever I find interesting.


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