I Give You the Morning 1/3

Aug 25, 2011 21:18

Author: laotse4

Pairing: Sam/Rachel

Rating: M(R) for the whole story, this chapter T/PG-13

Word count: 17000+ for the whole story

Summary: Sam and Rachel have been together for about nine months, and Rachel’s birthday is coming up and so is their anniversary, Sam knows how he want all of this to go and he he has something planned.

I would love to know what you think of this chapter and the story, I will try and update as soon as I can probably Wednesday or Thursday but I can’t promise anything.

So please read and review and enjoy.

I give you the morning


It was early December and Sam knew that there were a couple of important dates coming up in the near future. And there were a few things that he needed to figure out and for him to do so, he needed to have Rachel busy with something and at the same time not give anything away, well not too much. He had learned that it was hard to keep secrets from Rachel and when she did find out she always told someone, she had a hard time keeping secrets from anyone, she was after all a girl that believed in total honesty.

Sam knew that he would need some help from his friends, and her friends for this to work out, and there was only one person that he would kind of trust with this information, someone that cared about Rachel as much as he did.

“Puck,” Sam said as the two of them walked out the locker room after practice together, the other boy turned to the blonde.

“What did you do this time?” Puck asked as he opened his locker and grabbed a book he didn’t really look what book he took, and he didn’t care about it either.

“I haven’t done anything,” Sam said and shook his head, Sam was not Finn and the blonde was starting to wonder when Puck would realize that, “well not yet.”

“So you are going to do something?” Puck asked as the two of them were on their way out of the school.

“Of course I am,” Sam said as he threw his bag in the back of his car, “Rachel’s birthday is in a week and then our anniversary is a week after that so I have to do something.”

Puck was just laughing as he heard his friend talk, “You are whipped,” Sam shook his head, he knew what Puck was talking about but Sam didn’t see it as he was whipped, he was in love and he hoped that Rachel was too, well he knew that she was but that was not the point here.

“I’m not going to get in to an argument with you about that,” Sam said and he could see that Puck was about to say something, “and you don’t have to say something, I have an idea for her birthday but I need your help to keep her busy so that I can make some bigger plans for the anniversary.”

“How I am supposed to keep Berry away from you?” Puck asked and he saw that Rachel was on her way their way, “the two of you are attached to the hip.”

“Just think of something,” Sam sighed and he smiled at Rachel, “I can’t think of everything.” Puck was about to say something when Rachel was with them and Sam just stared at him daring him to say something.

“I need your help,” Puck said when he looked at Rachel; the short brunette looked at her fellow Jew, waiting for him to say something more.

“Noah,” Rachel said and she leaned closer to Sam who had his arms around her and he leaned down and placed a small kiss on her cheek, “I don’t know if I can help you.”

“Of course you can,” Puck said and took her by her arm, “and you are doing it right now.”

“I have plans with Sam,” Rachel said and she looked back at her boyfriend who stood there and shrugged his shoulders.

“You can help Puck,” Sam said and smiled at her, “we can do something some other day.”

“Noah, you are lucky that Sam is as understanding as he is,” Rachel said and she started a monolog and Puck was rolling his eyes when he looked back at Sam. “So what is it that you need my help with?”

“I need to find a song that I can sing during Glee,” Puck said as he sat in his car, “aren’t you getting in?” Rachel climbed into the car and as she sat down on the passenger seat she looked at him.

“You have never asked me about song help before,” Rachel said and looked at him, “Why now?”

Puck didn’t really have an answer to the question, he was running his hands over the strip of hair on his head before he started to scratch the back of his head trying to figure out something to say, see this is one of the reasons why he normally didn’t do things like this. “I just thought it was about time that I used you to help me,” Rachel looked at Puck and she shook her head.

“Noah, I know you,” Rachel said and Puck couldn’t look at her because if he did he would cave and he couldn’t do that right now.

“I know that Rach,” he sighed, “but can you please just play along this time,” he was almost pleading with her and silently asking her not to ask him the question that both of them knew that she wanted to have the answer too.

“I can use it as an acting exercise,” Rachel said as she gave him a smile, Puck was nodding agreeing with her, he didn’t really care what she chose to do as long as she was playing along, “but maybe you can give me a small hint what this about?”

“Rachel Berry,” Puck said and looked at her shaking his head, “I told you that you had to play along and you agreed,” Rachel turned away and looked out the window wasn’t going to talk to him until he told her was this was all about, “I don’t know what this is about but I would like to hang out with my favorite Jew,” Rachel laughed, Noah Puckerman always knew what to say to make her agree to the stupidest things in the world.

“I think that I can manage that for a minute or two today,” Rachel said and hit him on his arm.

“I thought your dads had teached you not to hit the driver,” Puck said and the two of them continued on with the small banter that seemed to always occur between them, any other boyfriend would have been jealous of how they looked together, but Sam had seen them so much together and he knew that Puck saw Rachel as a sister or something and nothing more.


Sam had everything planned out, it had gone smooth especially when he had Puck to help him keep Rachel busy when he needed some time alone to plan this, he had a feeling that this was going to be something that his girlfriend would like when she found out, he remembered how she had reacted to the small surprise that he had for her during Nationals earlier that year and then they hadn’t been together that long.

This month was going to be hard for him, there wasn’t just a nine month anniversary coming up for them, maybe it wasn’t that big of a deal for some people but nine months together with someone in High School was pretty long, or at least Sam Evans thought so, he was smiling to himself when he thought about those nine amazing months, but besides the anniversary there was Rachel’s birthday, Christmas and if he remembered correct Hanukkah was there too, it was all too much for him, but what he was sure of was the Rachel’s birthday was first and they were going to celebrate that together first, after that, about a week, it was their anniversary and it was there he had the big plans for them but only if she was ready for it. Sam wasn’t going to mess this up because he wanted something that his girlfriend might not be ready for.


It was the night of Rachel’s birthday and Sam had talked to both Hiram and Leroy about what he was planning for her birthday and he had made sure that it was okay that he took her out. Both of her dads and smiled at him and had told him that it was okay and they could all celebrate her birthday the day after with Sam and his parents there too, they had all gotten to know each other, and Hiram and Leroy did get along great with both of Sam’s parents and that was something that they blonde boy was happy about if not then he had no idea on how to deal with all that was going on around him.

Sam stood outside the Berry resident, he was dressed in a nice pair of pants he had a light shirt on under a jacket, and he could feel the small box inside of the pocket of the jacket. His heart was beating more than he could have imagined that it would in this moment, he held a bouquet, at first he had wanted to use some of Rachel’s favorite flowers but in the end he had Googled, the meaning of flowers and colours and numbers, well everything that you could say with flowers and in the end he had chosen some colours that he thought were the best and the numbers of flowers, well he had some more surprises then the bouquet he had with him.

He looked at the flowers one more time and he counted them once more time and took one last look at the, it was the right bouquet, he had six roses and one amaryllis, two of the roses were red, two of them were white and of the last two roses one were pink and one was purple, the purple one had been a last minute decision at first that one was going to be pink too. He wasn’t sure of Rachel would know the meaning of the flowers and if she didn’t, well at the end of the night she would know and she would get to know more later on too.

Sam knocked on the door, he was shifting his weight from left to right, back and forth he had no idea on why he was this nervous about this date, he had taken Rachel out many times before, he hadn’t been this nervous before not even before their first date and tonight wasn’t the night that the night.

The door opened and he could see Leroy standing on the other side of it and smiling at him, “You can come in,” Sam breathed out, he hadn’t realized that he was holding the air in, “Rachel will be down in a second, she is nervous.”

“I know the feeling,” Sam said and he could sit down, Leroy was smiling at him and he saw the flowers.

“So maybe you can tell me about those,” the older man said as he pointed to the flowers that Sam had placed next to him.

“Sure,” Sam said as he grabbed the bouquet of flowers, “There is seven flowers in this bouquet,” Sam looked down, “seven is the number used when you tell someone that you love them.,” Leroy looked at the boy, smiling at him encouraging him to continue on, “red roses means, let me think about what all the meanings were, there were a couple of them,” Sam wrinkled his eyebrows for a second, “right, red roses means, love, passion and respect.”

“Maybe you can tell Rachel all of the meanings because she is coming down the stairs,” Leroy said as he saw his daughter coming down the stairs, Sam turned around and when he saw Rachel walking down the stairs, he was about to drop everything that he had in his hands, she looked beautiful, not that she normally wasn’t beautiful but there was something about the dress that she was wearing.

“I think that Sam has lost his ability to speak,” Leroy said as he saw the look at Sam, he was smiling and so was his husband, both of the Berry men couldn’t help but to look at the two teenagers, that was locking their eyes with each other and smiling brighter than they had ever before.

When Rachel stood in front of him, there was just one thing that he could do, “you look amazing,” Sam breathed out, he was afraid that if he tried to say something this moment would be ruined and that was the last thing that he wanted to do.

“you look stunning too,” Rachel said as she had taken in how Sam was dressed, he could really handle being dressed in a suit, Sam felt the blood start to move to different parts of his body, the warmth from the blood in his face made it feel even warmer.

“I had too because I knew that you would look amazing,” Sam said, and he placed a small kiss on her lips, “and you do, you look even better than any words I can find.”

Rachel looked down, she had gotten to know that Sam had a way with words sometimes but then there were times where he surprised her and this was one of those times.

“I got you some flowers,” Sam said as he gave her the bouquet of flowers, “I was just wondering if you knew that meaning of these flowers?” Rachel shook her head, and he started over telling her what they meant, “with roses means innocence, purity and discretion,” Rachel smiled at him, “the pink rose means elegance, charm and happiness,” Rachel could almost feel the tears falling down her cheeks Sam looked up and saw that Rachel was about to cry, “don’t cry, I don’t want you to cry.”

Rachel tried to find some kind of paper so that she could dry her tears, “You know, I will have ruin my make up before we leave if you will continue on with this maybe you could wait and tell me the meaning of the rest of the flowers until later?”

“I want you to know it before we leave because there is this small chance that there are some more surprises for you along the way,” Sam said and he kept his eyes locked with her, “and if your make up is ruined after I have told you the meaning of these flowers then I will wait for you to reapply it.”

“Fine, you can tell me the rest of the meaning of the flowers,” Rachel said as she held the bouquet.

“The purple rose means, love at first sight,” Sam said and looked at her, Rachel couldn’t take in what it was that Sam was saying, Sam had dated Quinn before they had gotten together and now he was telling her that he had been in love with her since the first time he saw her. “That is the six roses that are present in this bouquet, and then there is one Amaryllis in there and that flower means, pride and splendid beauty,” Rachel looked at him she was almost sure that he was going to say something more, “and I already have told you father this but I want to tell you this one more time, seven is the number that you use when you tell someone that you love them,” Rachel couldn’t keep it in any longer, she leaned into him and placed a kiss on his lips. She could feel how his lips moved against hers, and the two of them were in their own little world, the only thing that made them break apart was the fact that they could hear both of her fathers’ clearing their throats behind them.

“Rachel, sweetie, I love you,” Sam said as they broke apart, “and I wish that we could stay here all night but I have some more things planned and we need to leave,” Rachel gave her flowers to her dad, she didn’t even have to tell him he just nodded, he knew what he was supposed to do.


Sam had made the drive to the restaurant where he had made reservations for them, it had also been a part of the plan that he had for them, it was one of the better restaurants in Lima, if not the best, he had saved money for this and even for other things, it hadn’t been the easiest thing to do, but in the end he knew that it would be worth it. Rachel was deserving the best, and only the best.

He was fast out of the car and then he was on the other side of the car and opened the door for Rachel and he helped her out the car, as the two of them walked to the restaurant he had his arm around her waist and he wanted to hold her even closer but it wasn’t possible.

Rachel almost gasped when she saw the restaurant that they were going to have dinner at, and she turned to Sam, “BreadStix would have been enough,” Sam just shook his head and placed a small kiss on her cheek.

“you deserve the best, and this is the best that I could do,” Sam said and he led them through the door to the restaurant and one of the waiters greeted them. Sam looked at the man before he spoke, “table for two, Evans.”

“right this way,” the waiter said and he led the way to the table, Sam helped Rachel sit down, and he sat down in front of his girlfriend, Sam placed a couple of drink orders and Rachel just smiled at him, no one could wipe the smile of her face tonight, there was nothing that was going to destroy this evening.

“I know that your birthday is today,” Sam said and looked down on the plate in front of him, there was so much things that he wanted to say to her but he had no idea what words he was going to use, “and there is a lot of things that I want to tell you.”

“You don’t have to say anything,” Rachel said and the food that they had ordered earlier was being served, Sam couldn’t take his eyes of her, just as Rachel was about to start eating one waiter came walking up to them.

“Rachel Berry?” the waiter asked and looked at the small brunette, and Rachel nodded, the waiter then placed a small bouquet of oxeye daisies on the table in a small vase, Rachel looked from the waiter to Sam and the blonde boy nodded, Rachel was reaching for his hand and as she was holding it she squeezed it, she was sure that he was going to tell her what the meaning of the flower was.

“As I said before,” Sam said and he looked her in her eyes and he didn’t turn away, “there is so much that I want to tell you but I can’t find the words, so I am telling you with flowers,” Rachel nodded, she had no idea what the meaning of oxeye daisies was but she was sure that it was something romantic, “the meaning of this flower is,” Sam took on of the flowers from the vase and held it between them is, in your eyes I can find happiness,” Rachel closed her eyes and she shook her head.

“Sam,” Rachel sighed as she looked at him, “you have made this night amazing so far, and I have no idea on how I can ever repay you for anything of this.”

“Rachel, I love you,” Sam said and he moved so that he was next to her and he gave her a kiss, “and that is the reason that I am doing this.”

“But…” Rachel started but Sam cut her off before she had a chance to say anything more, and the best way to get Rachel to stop talking was to kiss her.

The two of the continued on with the dinner and Sam listened to everything that Rachel was saying, and there had been on thing that had made an impact on him, one thing that he hadn’t thought of that much before, somewhere along the line, Rachel had mentioned something about her dads being out of town the weekend of their anniversary and he knew that his parents was going be away that same time, so he was already starting to plan on how he was going to surprise her that night. He just needed to make sure that his parents was away and that it was okay if Rachel spent the night at his house, she had spent some night there but his parents had been home those times and he didn’t want to lie to her parents they did after all trust him.

But that had to wait, Rachel’s birthday wasn’t over just yet and there was still this small gift that was almost burning a hole in his pocket but this was not the place to give her this gift, he still had a few surprises left, one of them was one more bouquet but this time it was just her favorite flowers and he was going to use his own words when he gave the box and what was inside of it, he knew that it was kind of cheesy but he liked the idea.

“Do you want any dessert?” Sam asked as he looked at her, Rachel just shook her head, Sam raised his hand and called for the waiter, “I would like the check please,” the waiter just nodded and went to get the check, Sam was holding on to Rachel’s hand the whole time, she wasn’t going to get away from him. When the waiter put the check down Rachel was about to look at it but Sam snatch it before she had a chance to do anything.

“Sam,” Rachel said and looked at him, she was about to pout but Sam shook his head.

“This is your birthday,” Sam said and he put some money with the check, and there was a nice tip in there too, they had helped him quite a lot tonight and he wanted them to know that he had appreciated everything that they had done for him, “and you deserve everything, you deserve even more than I can give you.”


The two of them walked in the park, this was going to be the right place for the next part of Rachel’s birthday celebration and what would probably be the last part of it if Sam was going to be able to get her home on time, that was one thing that was important to him otherwise there were a small chance that their anniversary would look a bit different and he for one didn’t have the time to change all of the things that he already had made.

Sam took of his coat when he saw that Rachel was shivering even if she had her own coat on and a cute hat and gloves, he didn’t care if he was going to be cold, he did after all have his jacket and that was the one thing that he needed.

“Sam, I can take your coat,” Rachel said and she tried to hand it back to him, he just shook his head.

“You are cold, and I don’t want you to freeze,” he said as he placed the coat over her shoulder, “but if you want then we can head back to the car and then I can give your present in the warmth of the car,” Rachel nodded her head as she heard what Sam told her, “then we will head back to my car.”

The two of them walked back slowly to the car, well it was Sam that was holding them back, he wanted to spend some more time with Rachel outside, it was one of the best ways he liked to spend time with her, they could walk really close and he could hold her and no one would look twice at them. “Rachel wait,” Sam said as they were almost out of the park, Rachel had walked a couple of steps ahead of him as he had stopped and Rachel turned around, “there is one more thing that I would like to give you before we head back to your house and it’s better if you get it here,” Rachel just looked at him waiting for him to say something more.

“As I have told you all night,” Sam said and he blew a bit of air out of his mouth, “I do love you, and I have one more gift for you,” Sam took the small black velvet box out from the pocket of his jacket, he closed his eyes and took a deep breathe, he had decide that he wasn’t going to make the same mistake again, it had been a mistake giving Quinn a promise ring, and he wasn’t going to give Rachel a ring just yet.

Rachel looked at him, he was standing in front of her, smiling at her, both of them had traces of tears in their eyes, “I know what you think of stars, well gold stars, and there for I am giving you this,” Sam said and he opened the box, and inside of it, it was a necklace with a small gold star pendant on it, “and I have something else that I want to say,” Rachel just nodded, Sam took a couple of steps so that he was standing in front of her, he placed the necklace around her neck and he looked down on her with a big smile, he drew her closer so that he was holding her before he slowly change the grip around her and he leaned down and Rachel leaned up and they met in a kiss, his tongue was slowly tracing the outline of her lips, before he gently tugged on her lower lip, Rachel was smiling into the kiss, and Sam was doing the same. As they broke the kiss, “I have one more present for you but you have to wait about a week before you will get it, because I haven’t gotten all of it just yet.”

“And you will get a present then too,” Rachel said and she was tugging on the collar of his shirt and Sam bowed his head and they met in a quick kiss, “and I would like to be a part of the planning for our anniversary,” Sam just shook his head and Rachel was about to protest but he cut her off by pressing his lips against hers, and he was moving them closer to his car.


Sam stood in front of the Berry house once again, but this time he wasn’t there to meet Rachel or pick her up for a date or anything like that, he needed to talk to her dads but a normally teenage boy or even a girl wouldn’t do what he was about to do but Sam had a feeling that both Hiram and Leroy would respect him and what he wanted to do if he asked them and Rachel would probably feel the same.

If Sam was going to be honest, if he ever had a daughter and her boyfriend would come and ask him about what he was about to ask them it would be a hell no, there was no chance in the world that he would let his daughter spend the night with her boyfriend on their anniversary with no parents or adults present.

“Sam, what a nice surprise,” Hiram said as he opened the door and saw Sam standing there, “we heard what you did for Rachel on her birthday, she hasn’t been able to stop speaking about it.”

“I am happy that she liked it,” Sam said and looked down on his feet, he was happy that it had worked just like he had hoped that it would, “that is kind of why I am here.”

“why don’t you come in, Leroy is the living room,” Hiram smiled at him and showed Sam to the room, “do you want anything to drink?”

“Water would be nice,” Sam said and smiled at Hiram, the balding man was soon back with a glass of water for Sam and some coffee for himself and Leroy, “as you might know, Rachel and I have our anniversary this weekend, nine months,” the two men nodded, “and she mentioned that you would be away and my parents would be away on a trip too,” Leroy and Hiram looked at each other they had an idea on what was coming and both of them wanted to scream no but before they were going to listened to what it was that Sam had to say.

“So you are asking us?” Leroy asked as he looked at Sam.

“I was hoping that it would be okay for Rachel to spend the night at my house,” Sam said and looked down on his hands as he played with his fingers, “I wanted to cook for her and maybe watch some movies.”

“And you don’t have anything else planned?” Leroy asked and Hiram hit him on his shoulder.

“You can’t ask him that,” Hiram said, “and even if he did have anything like that planned I don’t want to hear it.”

Sam took a deep breath, he knew what they were asking him and if he was going to be honest, of course he would love for that to happen but he was a nice boy he wasn’t going to force Rachel to do anything that she wasn’t ready for, “If you are asking me if I am going to sleep with Rachel, the answer to that is…”

“We don’t want to hear,” Hiram said and placed his hands over his own ears and glared at Leroy.

“I can tell you this,” Sam said and smiled at them, “I won’t force Rachel to do anything that she isn’t ready for.”

“I can buy that,” Hiram said, “and I think that is great and for me it’s okay for Rachel to spend the night,” Sam was smiling at him and the blonde boy was about to thank him when Leroy spoke up.

“It is okay with us if it is okay with your parents,” Leroy said and looked at Sam and he was about to answer, “and we will talk with them,” Sam nodding understanding what they were saying, the best part was that he had already cleared that part with his own parents so Rachel would be spending Friday and Saturday night over at his place this was going to be the greatest anniversary that she had seen, he just knew it.

sam evans, fanfic, samchel, pg-13, evanberry, glee, i give you the morning, rachel berry

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