Ask a Mormon

Jan 06, 2010 15:55

I've been meaning to do this for a while and will probably repeat the exercise from time to time ( Read more... )


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Comments 6

armaina January 6 2010, 23:03:00 UTC
There are so many craaazy misconceptions about the LDS x_x That and I know that too many people mix up some of the break off groups that live in the compounds with the main LDS. :/ You don't have to believe in it but I think people should still at least know the facts about what any specific religion believes, so that people have a common understanding, even if they don't believe in it.


lantairvlea January 7 2010, 14:12:49 UTC
Indeed! Life would be a lot easier, and there would be a lot fewer misunderstandings if people knew at least the basic facts ( ... )


placetohide January 7 2010, 02:06:39 UTC
You don't have to answer, of course, but I'm really curious:

Does the role of women within the church bother you at all, or do you just accept it as a big part of the faith/teachings? How is that something you come to terms with? When I was a Mormon, the extreme inequality of women and their role prescribed by the church made me a little sad. It was always just the lectures of, get married and be a good homemaker while the men do the real work for the church. That's your job and your worth as a person, period. I found it really appalling, so it's hard for me to put myself in the shoes of someone who accepts that, and I'd be interested to know how members of the church see it.


lantairvlea January 7 2010, 14:15:01 UTC
No problem at all. I will need more than the space allowed for a comment reply, so this'll show up in a seperate post. Thanks for asking!


futura_light January 9 2010, 18:21:36 UTC
I had a few Mormon friends growing up that were able to bring me above the cliche stereotypes and misconstrued practices, so here's a weird one, but you should have fun with it:

As I understand it, LDS is very open to the notion of extraterrestrial life, and that individuals in this life time can aspire to the heights of being a creator themselves in the afterlife. After all, doesn't a father wish the best for his children? Achieving equal/greater, hmm, universal standing, is the sign of successful parenting. That is as I understand it; enlighten me if I'm wrong.

So my question: is our God, the God of Christ, the big mackdaddy? Are other civilizations out there the result of LDS followers making the ascension into creator-status? Or vice versa, which would allow other civilizations to be older than ours. That is, if time is linear as we perceive it to be.

Let me know if I'm way off.


lantairvlea January 15 2010, 15:30:05 UTC
Just letting you know I'm not ignoring the question, I've just been out of town.

Look for the answer next week once life is caught up a bit!


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