Ask a Mormon

Jan 06, 2010 15:55

I've been meaning to do this for a while and will probably repeat the exercise from time to time.

While I do prefer the term "LDS" to "Mormon" I know that the latter is the better known term.

Anyway, back to the purpose: ask me a question (or more) that you have about the LDS Church be it about the structure, beliefs, or whatever else. If I don't know the answer right off I'll research it. If the responses are particularly lengthy(which I have a feeling some might get) they'll show up in a separate post.

I know religion can be a particularly hot topic and am especially aware of the strong reactions people have to my faith, most of which stems from a lack of understanding or encounters with less than spectacular examples of the Church. So in an attempt to abolish some misconceptions and generally in the spirit of education I give you the chance to ask me whatever you want about my beliefs, an open invitation.

Of course I think it'd be interesting if others did the same, it's always interesting to see how other belief systems work.


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