so there is this ~thing i am working on

Jul 07, 2011 20:34

for The Vampire Diaries. It's been in my head for a long time, months even, and if you scroll back ages on my LJ you'll find me complaining about how TVD fics are all of a similar vein? Well, if you didn't know about that post, I was pretty much saying that the characters were cemented and it's harder to write AUs. Like, something like Bandom was a ( Read more... )

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Comments 24

midnightblack07 July 7 2011, 09:34:40 UTC
ohh I'm guessing this the fic you were talking about on Tumblr? =p
I can't wait to read it (it's been a while since I read some quality D/E fic, although that may mostly be my fault because I've been so absent from LJ lately *is sad*)!! =)

I know what you mean about the lack of AU TVD fics and it's sort of a shame because a few of the best TVD fics I've read have been AU (and, it goes without saying, they were EXTREMELY hard to come by; honestly, as long as everyone is in character and its well written I'm down for almost anything (I'm very picky about characterization too because if you're going to change up the characters you might as well just write original fic, you know?).

rambley post is rambely lol hehe
point is, I'm SUPER excited for your fic!! =)


laniaaa July 8 2011, 01:13:12 UTC
you would be correct! i've been totally absent from lj, too, and i feel kind of guilty about it!

i love when i find a well-written au, because it's something so totally different and new that i just fall for it straight away! :L

i am super excited about it - but only if it turns out okay! hahaha.


sophiathorn July 7 2011, 11:45:42 UTC
I'm excited to know you are writing, I bet no matter how much you are stressing right now it will be amazing. Good luck with it!


laniaaa July 8 2011, 01:14:32 UTC
i am hoping it will turn out okay! i almost gave up on it the other day, but then got it together and told myself off! :L


sophiathorn July 8 2011, 02:42:05 UTC
I know the feeling, I've been working on something since the season ended and it's still not right yet.


laniaaa July 8 2011, 03:55:06 UTC
ahh, story of my life! i have so many unfinished projects sitting in my documents folder, it's ridiculous. and there's one that you love so much and you want to write it so badly but it's just so freaking hard. what are you working on?


laiarel July 7 2011, 18:53:56 UTC
Can't way to have a look)))
A question aside: what's "AU"? (yeah, ignorant me again, lol)


laniaaa July 8 2011, 01:16:31 UTC
'AU' is the abbreviated term for 'Alternate Universe' - meaning to put characters into a completely different world where things don't happen according to the original storyline.

Example: Elena and Jeremy are vampires returning to Mystic Falls, where they meet human brothers Stefan and Damon.

I hope I explained that okay! :L


fictionalfemme July 8 2011, 05:26:36 UTC
Is the example a reality somewhere? (Preferrably a good story but I'm curious enough to take it regardless)


laiarel July 8 2011, 06:10:03 UTC
Yeah, it's now perfectly clear! Thank you)
And sounds real intriguing!


paceisthetrick July 8 2011, 04:51:49 UTC
<3 Eager to read.


laniaaa July 15 2011, 04:35:08 UTC
:D uhm. i would just like to say, that from your icon, i am gathering that you ship draco/hermione? (i am trying not to get too excited here!)


paceisthetrick July 15 2011, 04:54:30 UTC
Haha. The irony is I'm replying to this message on my cell as I stand in line to watch Harry Potter tonight.
YESSSSS. I ship DH. :) So hard. I love finding juicy novel length fic about them.


laniaaa July 15 2011, 05:09:09 UTC

AND ALSO: DRACO/HERMIONE! ugh, i ship them so, and everyone says i'm delusional and i'm like, STOP IT. STOP BLOWING HOLES IN MY SHIP. THEY ARE FICTIONAL PERFECTION.


ever_neutral July 8 2011, 05:20:34 UTC


laniaaa July 15 2011, 04:35:25 UTC


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