Title: Self-Preservation in the Workplace
Conflicts of InterestRating: G
Characters: Ireen Wüst, Paulien van Deutekom
Pairing: Ireen Wüst/Paulien van Deutekom
Disclaimer: Lies and also AU
Word Count: ± 107
Notes: Truly I am the master of random silliness! Written for today’s
31_days prompt (evolution's auto-pilot);
femslash100’s weekly challenge #241, Exchange; and
femslash100’s 2010
Tarot Challenge 14, Temperance. (You guys remember when I wanted to write, y’know, action sequences. Yeah. That’s not really going all that well. XD)
Summary: Certainty is one thing. The threat of major embarrassment is quite another.
‘So if, tomorrow, I should win,-’
‘-You won’t.’
‘-if I should win, will you-’
‘-You won’t.’
‘Will you-’
‘-let me finish?’
‘So will you, if-I-win, hold up your end of our bet?’
‘But you won’t.’
‘That was not the question.’
‘The question doesn’t matter, ’cause you won’t win.’
‘Oh, I think I will.’
‘You won’t.’
‘Well, since you’re so confident, exactly what’s stopping you from saying it?’
‘Why not? If I don’t stand a chance to win, as-’
‘-You don’t.’
‘-as I apparently don’t, what’s the harm?’