Awwww! Hi Jessie! It's absolutely wonderful to hear from you again! *beams* Thank you so much in wanting to get to know me again! Not to mention -- being more social! *wink*
I always hope you are doing well. Jaxx Blackfox often speaks about you in the highest regard. She adores your company and I smile whenever Jaxx mentions how much of a happy, fun-filled day she had in spending some high-quality time with you and the canine critters. *smiles*
Welcome back to my Journal, Jessie! I'll add you back right away!
Just wanted to drop a note and say hi, and hope it's okay that I added you as a friend - your comments to our mutual friends always make me smile, and I'd love to get to know you a bit better :)
*beaksmiles brightly* Awwwww. Thank you so much for dropping me a friendly note! I'm honoured and thrilled that you'd like to get to know me a little bit better! Eeeeeee!
I have friended your LJ as my way to welcome you into my own LJ!
*beakgrins widely* I really like your avian icon! I can't identify the species, but he/she looks really cute!
She/he is a Buteo solitarius, or 'Io -- the Hawaiian Hawk. I saw one (from a distance) when I was in Hawaii visiting family in 2004 without realizing what it was. :)
Comments 38
I figured I'd add you to my friends list so I don't have to look over minsilentclaw's shoulder to see the piccys of your Mountsberg friends
Welcome on board, Redraptor! It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance.
Heehee! Now you too can enjoy browsing through my pictures through the comfort of your own computer. :>
Thanks for your interest in this journal! I hope you enjoy your stay here!
I always hope you are doing well. Jaxx Blackfox often speaks about you in the highest regard. She adores your company and I smile whenever Jaxx mentions how much of a happy, fun-filled day she had in spending some high-quality time with you and the canine critters. *smiles*
Welcome back to my Journal, Jessie! I'll add you back right away!
*beaksmiles brightly* Awwwww. Thank you so much for dropping me a friendly note! I'm honoured and thrilled that you'd like to get to know me a little bit better! Eeeeeee!
I have friended your LJ as my way to welcome you into my own LJ!
*beakgrins widely* I really like your avian icon! I can't identify the species, but he/she looks really cute!
*smiles* Thanks again for your interest in my LJ!
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