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Comments 12

unpublicguy March 1 2011, 13:46:25 UTC
LOL.... Jake is the best!


unpublicguy March 1 2011, 13:48:18 UTC
and by the way...you do know that Youtube has some kind problem with LJ right now right? I mean LJ had some problems to play back the video that embedded from Youtube.


fara1903 March 1 2011, 14:42:32 UTC
OK, Danny was a jerk making Adam doubt himself but the kids were great especially Jake! :)


vegas1024 March 1 2011, 17:19:46 UTC
bb your dialogue is the best. Seriously cracks me up and I can hear them all saying every word of it. Great job!!


dd_87 March 1 2011, 21:54:24 UTC
The fanfic he is reading from is real. Your story is adorable!


glambertgalore March 2 2011, 01:34:30 UTC
Love this! Jacob is the best and Gokey is still a giant douche.


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