Forever After Pt 114/115 Part 2 (Working Through Sequel)

Mar 01, 2011 13:25

Kris gripped onto Adam's hand tighter as they made their way towards the red carpet. “I didn't think the press would be here.”

“Well, paint on your happy face,” Adam whispered before stepping onto the red carpet.

Kris gripped onto Adam's arm as the began walking down the crowded carpet. The minute the press caught a glimpse of Adam they went crazy, taking pictures and screaming his name. “I hate this part.” Kris turned his head into Adam's arm to talk. “We should have sneaked in the back door.”

“And you know how much I love doing that,” Adam smirked.

“Adam,” Kris scolded as they slowly walked down the red carpet. “Don't make sex jokes on the red carpet.”

Adam turned and pressed his mouth against Kris's ear causing the photographers to go crazy. “It's not the first time. I remember talking to you about a cock ring on the red carpet once.”

“I can't take you anywhere,” Kris said shaking his head.

“Just smile for the camera baby.”


Adam tried to block out the sound of forgettable Idol constants singing karaoke on the stage as he bypassed it to get to the bar.

“Mr. Superstar.” Danny and Michael sat at the bar both with a bottle of beer in their hands.

“We didn't think you would show.”

“Well, I was an Idol constant,” Adam remarked as he leaned against the bar. “Plus I married a winner.”

“Where is your better half?” Danny quizzed as he looked through the crowd.

“At the table with Allison and Neil.”

“Ah, our little sister and her husband.”

“Yep,” Adam forced a smile. “Who thought that would happen?”

“Not me,” Danny sighed. “I thought she was too young to get married.”

“She's in her thirties,” Adam remarked dryly.

“I just didn't think your brother was her type,” Danny said before taking a drink from his beer.

“What's wrong with my brother?” Adam frowned.

“Nothing,” Danny said holding his hands up. “I'm sure he and Allison are very happy together.”

“Very,” Adam said annoyed. “And they have the most amazing kid ever.”

“I'm just saying that the Lambert men never seemed to be the settling down type.” Danny took another sip of beer before giving Adam a fake smile. “No offense.”

“None taken,” Adam said dryly. “And I think we've proven that the Lambert men are more than capable of settling down.”

“And no one is more surprised of that than me,” Danny scoffed.

“What the hell does that mean?”

“I'm just saying that if someone was to tell me that you and Kris would still be together almost twenty years later I would have laughed my head off.”

“Why?” Adam pressed. “Did you think Kris and I weren't serious?”

“Oh I was sure Kris was serious, but I was also sure that you would have left the moment your career started passing his.”

“Danny,” Michael warned as he rubbed his forehead.

“I'm just saying that no one expected Adam to stick around after he hit the big time.”

“So you all thought that?” Adam quizzed looking at Michael.

“Of course we did,” Danny answered before Michael could open his mouth. “We all used to get together during the summer when you would be off on some world tour, and we would take bets to see how long you and Kris would last.”

“We didn't do that,” Michael said through gritted teeth. “We just all thought that the stress of your career might become too much for Kris. We were worried about you and Kris for a while.”

“So you thought you would take bets on if we broke up or not?”

“That's not what it was like,” Michael said giving Danny a dirty look.

“What year did you bet on?” Adam asked looking at Danny.

“I lost back in 2012.”

“The year after Sophia was born,” Adam remarked.

“I was sure you would have bolted after you had her,” Danny laughed. “Who knew rock star Adam Lambert could care for a child.”

“Well, he has,” Michael answered. “And he and Kris have four great kids, and they have a great life together.”

“Not according to the media,” Danny smirked. “Didn't I read last you that you were cheating with a twenty-year-old?”

“That was just someone making trouble,” Michael interrupted. “I called Kris when that happened, and he said it was some punk making trouble.”

“You called Kris?” Adam quizzed. “Why? Was it your year on the bet?”

“Adam, come on,” Michael said weakly. “You know we don't mean any harm in that.”

“And didn't I hear that Sophia's pregnant, and your other kid's gay?” Danny asked before taking another drink of his beer.

“Yep,” Adam smiled wide. “Sophia eight month's pregnant, and Jacob came out last November.” Adam waved over the barmaid. “Sebastian, our ten-year-old is doing well with his boxing, and our baby is one pretty amazing singer. Kris and I have four great amazing kids, and a soon to be beautiful grandson. I'd say Kris and I are very lucky. So what about you two?” Adam asked looking at Michael. “Allison told me your ex wife took your kids to live in Europe with her new husband, and Danny, Allison told me about your break up with... I can't remember her name.”

“Annie,” Danny said annoyed.

“Right,” Adam smiled. “Well, I better get back to my husband. I'll see you guys later.” Adam gave a fake smile before turning and walking back to the table where Kris was.


“What took you so long?” Neil complained as he took his beer from Adam. “Almost died of thirst here.”

“I bumped into Danny and Michael,” Adam sighed.

“They're here?” Kris said with excitement in his voice. “Did you tell them to come over?”

“They're pretty busy right now,” Adam smiled softly as he handed Kris his beer.

“You okay?”

“I'm perfect,” Adam leaned in to kiss Kris's lips.

“Well, I already knew that,” Kris laughed. “You just look a little...”

“Pissed off,” Allison interrupted with a frown on her face.

“I'm fine,” Adam sighed. “I just haven't been around other singers for a while.”

“You're married to one,” Neil remarked.

“And your sister-in-law is one,” Allison added.

“You guys don't count,” Adam sighed. “You're nice.”

“What did Danny say?” Kris sighed.

“Nothing.” Adam took a sip from his glass before looking over his shoulder towards the bar.

“Want me to hit him?” Neil quizzed.

“Of course he doesn't,” Allison snapped. “Why would he want that?”

“Because I've wanted it since the day I met him,” Neil suggested.

“I didn't know you didn't like Danny,” Kris frowned.

“I hate him,” Neil said through gritted teeth. “Plus he can't sing.”

“Why would you hate him?” Kris laughed with a confused frown on his face.

“He made fun of my brother.”

“What?” Kris and Allison said at the same time.

“He got his family to print a picture of Adam wearing all his makeup, and bring it to one of the dinners after the show one week,” Neil answered. “Then Danny made Adam sign it in front of everyone. They were trying to embarrass him.”

“I remember that,” Kris frowned.

“Me too,” Adam sighed.

“He was so upset that night,” Neil said. “He called me from the mansion after everyone went to sleep crying his eyes out.”

“Neil,” Adam groaned.

“Oh relax,” Neil scoffed. “We've all seen you cry.”

“Why the hell didn't I know this?” Allison snapped. “I would have kicked his ass.”

“It wasn't important,” Adam answered.

“It was important enough to make you cry,” Kris said softly as he rubbed Adam's arm.

“It was eighteen years ago,” Adam shrugged. “I forgot all about it until Neil reminded me.”

“So what did the ass say this time?” Neil quizzed.

“It's nothing.”

“Just tell me,” Neil rolled his eyes. “I'll be extra pissed if you call me in a few hours crying. May as well get it over with now.”

“Fine,” Adam snapped. “He said he was surprised that I hadn't left Kris by now. Apparently they all had a little bet going to see what year we would break up.” Adam looked at his husband. “They were just being idiots.”

“All?” Kris frowned as he looked over at the bar. “Who's all?”

“Everyone I think.”

Kris looked towards Allison with a raised eyebrow. “I didn't.”

“Did you know about the bet?”

“Of course not,” Allison said annoyed. “If I had I would have told you guys.”

“It doesn't matter anyway,” Adam said taking Kris by the chin so he was looking at him. “We're proving them all wrong.”

“Yeah,” Kris sighed before downing the rest of his beer.


Kris left Adam on the dance floor with Allison and Meg to make his way over to the bar. He found Michael first standing in the corner before spotting Danny beside him. “I've been waiting on you guys coming over to say hi,” Kris yelled over the music making both men turn and look at him.

“Hey,” Michael smiled nervously. “We were coming over, but you looked busy.”

“Just trying to escape Adam and his dance moves,” Kris laughed. “Eighteen years together and he still thinks I can dance.”

“Yeah,” Michael smiled. “He's still got some moves though.”

Kris looked over his shoulder to find Adam grinding up against Allison. “Still doesn't know personal boundaries though.”

“So, how's life?” Danny smiled wide. “Adam says you're going to be Grandparents soon.”

“What is your problem with Adam?” Kris blurted out ignoring Danny's question. “Is it because he's a better singer than you, or is it just because he's gay?”

“Kris...” Michael began to talk only to have Kris hold up his hand to stop him.

“Because if it's the gay thing, then why aren't you so pissed with me too?” Kris pressed.

“I don't have a problem with Adam,” Danny stuttered.

“Well, you're going to have a big fucking problem with me if you talk to my husband that way again.” Kris ordered himself a beer before walking back to join Adam on the dance floor.


Adam rested his head back against the car seat as the driver started up the car. “I can't believe we have to go to this stupid dinner tomorrow too.”

“Simon said we could bring the kids,” Kris said as he settled against Adam's side. “Maybe we should bring them.”

“I don't think so.”

“Meg was saying how she hasn't met Elle yet,” Kris remarked. “And she's only seen Sebastian once.”

“I don't want my kids being around people like that,” Adam said quickly as he closed his eyes.

“Meg's our friend,” Kris pointed out.

“I don't want them meeting Danny.”

“Even Danny isn't stupid enough to be mean to Adam Lambert's kids,” Kris sighed. “And he's not going to be stupid enough to say anything like that to you again.”

Adam opened his eyes slowly to look down at his husband. “What did you say to him?”

“I was a lot nicer than I should have been.”


“Don't Adam,” Kris sighed as he wrapped his arm around Adam's waist to cuddle into him.

“Don't what?”

“Don't start thinking about what Danny said.” Kris pressed his lips against Adam's chest. “He doesn't know you.”

“Did you ever think I would leave you when my career took off?”

“No,” Kris sighed. “The minute you kissed me on that tour bus I knew I would be with you forever.”

“Did you think I would cope as a father.”

“Jesus Christ,” Kris snapped as he sat up. “I should have smacked him in the mouth.”

“Well did you?”

“You're the best father our kids could ever wish for,” Kris answered in an annoyed tone. “You love them, and you would do anything for them. Danny Gokey knows fuck all about our family.”

“I sometimes worry that I'm away from home a lot,” Adam explained quietly. “Elle told me you gave her one of my old dolls because she was missing me so much.”

“Elle misses you when you go in the shower,” Kris sighed. “Doesn't mean you should stop washing.” Kris turned to look out of the car window. “We're home.”

Adam followed Kris out of the car thanking the driver as he went. “I just want to be the best.”

“And you are,” Kris sighed as he pushed open the front door.

“Oh thank god you're home,” Leila said as she walked towards them with her coat in her hands. “Those kids have drove me crazy.”

“Why?” Kris quizzed as he looked towards the kitchen where the kids were.

“Apparently Grandma doesn't make hot chocolate like Papa,” Leila said while putting on her coat. “And Grandma doesn't do the cool voices like Papa when she's reading a story.”

“See,” Kris smirked looking up at his husband. “I think you're worried for nothing.”

Adam smiled wide as he looked at the kids. “I'll go make some hot chocolate.”

“And I'm going home,” Leila announced.

“What about Nicky?” Kris frowned as he looked at his two-year-old Nephew sitting next to Jacob.

“Yeah, good luck with that,” Leila smiled. “He's so much like Neil.”

“Mom?” Kris yelled as he watched his mother-in-law race towards her car.

“So she escaped?”

Kris turned to find Jacob beside him. “What the hell did you do to her?”

“Not me,” Jacob shrugged. “All Elle and Nicky.”

“Right,” Kris smiled. “Jacob?”


“Go give your Papa a compliment.”


“He needs it.”

Jacob turned to look at his Papa. “Danny Gokey was an idiot, wasn't he?”

“Just go be nice.” Kris leaned against the door frame as he watched Jacob walk over to Adam.


“Yeah, baby boy?”

“Your choice of outfit tonight is killer.” Jacob turned back to Kris with a smile on his face causing Kris to roll his eyes.

“Next exactly what I had in mind,” Kris remarked.

“You really think so?” Adam smiled looking down at his outfit.

“Those jeans make you look eighteen.”

“Jesus,” Kris groaned as he rubbed his head.

“You really think so?”


“Aw,” Adam smiled as he wrapped his arm around Jacob's shoulder. “You know exactly what to say to make me feel better, baby boy.”

“I know,” Jacob smiled brightly as he looked over at Kris.

End Of Flash Forward 2027

Saw this and thought i would bring it over here. It's performed by a ground of performers from New York. They take the top ten songs from the moment and do it their way. This is what they came up with for Adam's. I don't know if the fanfic he's singing about is real or made up. Anyone know?

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forever after

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