Forever After Pt 115/115 Part 1 (Working Through Sequel)

Mar 03, 2011 13:40

Thanks to  kradamgasm for making this amazing banner for me 
A special thanks to  murderaidx   for editing the second picture

So this is the last chapter in this sequel. I'd like to thank everyone who's hung in there this long. It's been funny reading everyones comments. Big thank you to    betty1928   who was the beta at the beginning and tiinuli101  who took over as beta. Another big thank you to kradamgasm who pretty much has became my muse, not only coming up with the title but making the great banners too. Again thank you everyone who's taken the time to read and comment, I really have enjoyed it. Look at the end of this sequel to see what's happening next.

Chapter 115

Flash Forward 2027

“Are you sure Sophia doesn't want to come?” Kris asked as he started up the car.

“She said not a chance in hell would I want to go there,” Adam answered. “She said it would be like going to one of Jacob's parties.”

“Hey,” Jacob frowned. “Please don't class me with reality show reunion parties. My parties are up with Madonna's.”

“Well this is just a nice quiet dinner,” Adam explained as he looked over his shoulder at his three youngest kids. “Just a few Idol contestants and food.”

“And bad music,” Sebastian sighed. “There's no way they'll play Bowie.”

“Bowie?” Kris laughed. “Have you been looking through your Papa's record collection?”

“Uncle Tommy showed me some pretty weird artwork.”

“Diamond Dogs,” Adam and Jacob said at the same time.

“Don't care who's dog it was,” Sebastian shrugged. “it still freaked the hell out of me.”

“I know what you mean, buddy,” Kris remarked. “I couldn't sleep for days when your Papa showed me some of his records.”

“Can I see Papa's records?” Elle quizzed from her car seat.

“Not until you're ten, baby girl,” Adam answered as he winked at his youngest.

“So, who's going to be at this dinner?” Jacob asked.

“Just the usual,” Adam shrugged. “All of our Idol contestants.”

“Danny Gokey?” Jacob asking pulling a face.

“He'll be there.”


Adam gave Kris a look before turning to look over his shoulder at Jacob. “Have you been talking to your Uncle Neil?”


“So what's your distaste for Danny all about?”

“I've got the internet,” Jacob explained. “I know how to spell your names.”

Adam turned back round slowly to look at his husband. “That's a scary thought.”

“Not for me,” Kris shrugged. “I've never had pictures of myself making out with a guy.”

“Uncle Brad isn't just a guy,” Sebastian remarked.

“You know how to spell our names too?” Kris quizzed.


“What about you?” Adam asked looking towards Elle.

“I only know how to spell my name.”

“Good,” Adam smiled. “Let's keep it that way.”

“But I have seen the pictures of you kissing Uncle Brad,” Elle added. “And when you were dressed like a lady.”

“Oh god,” Adam groaned.

“You're a very pretty lady, Papa.”

“Thank you, Elle,” Adam mumbled as he buried his face in his hands.

“I knew your past would come back to bite you one day,” Kris laughed as he pulled the car into the parking lot.


“Oh my god, look how cute they are,” Lil gushed as she pinched Sebastian's cheeks.

“And look how pretty you are,” Meg smiled as she picked Elle up in her arms. “I'm your Aunt Meg.”

“You are?”

“Oh my god Kris, I can't believe how much she looks like you.”

“And look at you,” Meg gushed as she reached out to pinch Jacob's cheeks.

“Don't even think about it,” Jacob said taking a step back towards Adam. “I took forever applying this foundation, one fingertip at it's ruined.”

“Did you clone yourself?” Lil asked Adam as she looked Jacob up and down.

“I was never that bad,” Adam said rolling his eyes.

“You once yelled at me for giving you a hug when you were wearing a suit,” Meg pointed out. “Really yelled at me.”

“It was a silver silk suit,” Adam said with a raised eyebrow.

“You tried to hug someone in a silver silk suit?” Jacob gasped.

“Oh poor Kris,” Meg groaned. “He's got two of them now.”

“It's not too bad,” Kris shrugged. “I've never had to pick my own clothes for years now.”

“And he looks so much better,” Jacob remarked. “I've seen those pictures of him before Idol. So not a good look.”

“Oh I love him,” Lil gushed.

“You do know he's gay, right?” Sebastian asked.

“And like thirty years younger than her,” Jacob whispered to his brother.


Kris took another sip of his wine as he watched Jacob and Sebastian on the other side of the table whispering to each other. “That's never a good sign.”

“What?” Adam asked between mouthfuls of food.

“Those two being so... close to each other.”

Adam looked across the table at his two sons. “It's not like they have anyone else to talk to.”

“But they're both smiling at each other,” Kris whispered. “The only time I ever smiled at Daniel was when we were planning something bad to do.”

“You did bad things?” Adam smirked. “Like what? Forgot to make your bed in the morning.”

“Very funny.” Kris rolled his eyes at his husband. “Just keep an eye on those two.”

Adam nodded his head at Kris before looking up to find Matt sitting down beside Elle. “Hey man.”

“This is so weird,” Matt said shaking his head.

“Yeah it is odd to be back together again,” Adam mused as he looked around the table at his fellow Idol contestants. “It's a shame it's taken us this long to get together.”

“Well you guys ran off to Arkansas and left the rest of us here,” Matt remarked.

“We live in LA now,” Elle said looking up at Matt.

“I read about that,” Matt smiled. “Let me guess, you're Sophia? You haven't grown much since the last time I saw you.”

“I'm not Sophia,” Elle giggled. “That's my big sister.”

“But you are a Lambert kid.”

“Nope,” Elle smiled. “I'm an Allen kid.”

“Oh, I see,” Matt smiled. “And what's your name?”

“Elle Lambert-Allen,” Elle announced proudly. “But everyone calls me Elle.”

“And I take it those two old guys there are your Daddies?”

Elle shook her head as she pointed to Adam. “That old one is my Papa, and that one is my Daddy, but only my Papa is old. Daddy can still climb the stairs and carry me at the same time without having to lay down after it.”

“I don't have to lay down after carrying you up the stairs,” Adam complained.

“Last week you stopped half way up and had to sit on the step until you breathed right again,” Elle remarked.

“Oh I like this one,” Matt laughed. “What do you say about coming and have a dance with me?”

“No thank you,” Elle said shaking her head.

“No?” Matt frowned. “Don't you like dancing?”

“I love it,” Elle said with excitement in her eyes. “Papa and I vogue all the time when no one else is home, but I don't want to dance with you.”


“I'm not allowed to date until I'm sixteen,” Elle explained causing Kris to nod his head in agreement. “And you're really not my type.”

“Damn,” Allison winced as she came to stand behind Matt. “Did my five-year-old Niece just turn you down, Matt?”

“I think so,” Matt sulked before standing up and walking over to the other side of the table.

“Are you already turning down dates, Miss Allen?” Allison quizzed as she came to sit down next to Elle with Neil taking the seat on the other side of the little girl.

“Damn right she did,” Neil smiled. “What did I tell you last week?”

“Find a man with a big wallet,” Elle answered before giving Neil a wide smile.

“That's my girl.”

“Have you been giving my daughter dating tips?” Kris frowned.

“Not just your daughter,” Jacob remarked. “He told me to find a man with a big wallet too.”

“And me,” Sebastian said holding his hand up. “Although I don't know what I would do with a big wallet. I don't really have that much cash.”


Kris stood alone at the bar drinking his beer when he felt a pair of hands wrap around his waist from behind. “Hey.” Kris closed his eyes at the feeling of the warm breath against his ear.


“I've been waiting to get you alone all night. You've been hanging around that husband of yours, I couldn't get to you.”

Kris turned around slowly to look up at the smiling face. “Your weird little role playing fun is going to get us into trouble one of these days.”

“I can't help it,” Adam smiled as he pulled Kris into his arms. “It's all coming back to me. I guess having the other Idol's around us makes me feel like we are back there again. All living in the mansion, wondering what the hell is going to happen to us.”

“It was a stressful time,” Kris sighed as he rested his chin on Adam's shoulder.

“I loved every minute of it,” Adam whispered. “Everything was so new. I felt like a teenager with a crush the whole time.”

“Well, you did have a crush,” Kris mused.

“It was all so exciting,” Adam remarked.

Kris pulled back to look up at his husband. “Bet you didn't see all this happening?”

“Having a husband and kids?” Adam quizzed.


“You know I didn't,” Adam said pulling Kris back into his arms. “Back in that mansion all I could think about was kissing you. Actually marrying you and sharing a life didn't really come into it.”

“Thanks,” Kris laughed. “Good to know you saw a future.”

“Come on,” Adam whispered. “You were straight, married, and well... out of my league.”

Kris pulled back to give Adam a look. “You talk so much crap at times,” Kris remarked causing Adam to laugh hard.

“I try my best to be humble.”

“It doesn't work, Lambert.” Kris reached up to kiss Adam on the lips. “We all know how big your...ego is.”

“You know that fact more than anyone,” Adam smirked before capturing Kris's lips with his own.


“Oh crap,” Allison yelled as she looked at her cell.

“What's the matter?” Neil asked.

“Adam's about to have a nervous breakdown.”

Neil looked across the hall where Kris and Adam stood kissing. “He looks pretty calm to me.”

Allison handed her husband the cell. “Read the text.”

Neil rolled his eyes as he looked down. “You know, you can be so dram... oh crap.”

“Dramatic?” Allison asked annoyed.

Neil smiled wide as he looked back at his brother. “Can I tell him.”

“Break it to him gently while I get the kids together.”

“Of course I'll break it gently,” Neil smirked as he walked to where Adam and Kris where. “Hey asshole.”

“Go away, Neil,” Adam mumbled as he kissed down Kris's jaw. “I'm enjoying my youth.”

“I think your youth left a while ago,” Neil smirked. “Want to see Allison's new cell?” Neil asked as he waved the cell in front of Adam's face.

“He's not going away,” Kris sighed as he pulled away from Adam.

“Look at my wife's cell,” Neil giggled. “It has a text message.”

Kris grabbed the cell from Neil's as he shook his head. “You can be so ann...oh crap.”

“Annoying?” Neil smirked.

“What is it?” Adam asked as he grabbed the cell from Kris. Adam's eyes widened as he look down at the cell. “Why the hell didn't you tell us right away?”

“I wanted to enjoy watching my brother slowly becoming aware that he's about to get very old, very quickly,” Neil smiled.

“We need to get to the hospital,” Kris snapped. “Adam you get the kids, I'll get the car.”

“Allison's got the kids already in the car,” Neil said taking the cell from Adam's hand. “We're waiting for you guys. So are you ready?” Neil asked with a smile on his face.

“No,” Adam breathed out. “I don't think I am.”

“Well you better hurry up about it,” Neil smirked. “Because you're about to become Grandparents. Old Grandparents.”

“Oh god,” Adam groaned as he ran a hand through his hair.

“Don't freak out now,” Kris snapped. “We need to get to Sophia.”

“Well come on then,” Neil said rolling his eyes. “The car is waiting on you.”

“When can I freak out?” Adam asked as Kris dragged him across the dance floor.

“Not until we see that screaming little baby,” Kris answered as he dragged Adam towards the car.


“What do you mean her fathers are already in with her?” Adam snapped as he looked down at the nurse in front of him. “We're her fathers, and we're out here.”

“The two men that arrived with her told us they were the fathers,” the nurse sighed. “Sophia seemed to know who they were.”

“Cheeks,” Kris said through gritted teeth.

“Those are our friends,” Adam explained. “It was their kid who knocked our kid up.”

“Adam,” Kris snapped. “Don't say that.”

“Am I lying?”

“No, but it's just sounds ... really wrong.”

“Adam, Kris?”

Adam turned around to find Cassidy standing. “What's going on?”

“The contractions started about an hour ago,” Cassidy breathed out. “The doctor's saying it won't be long.”

“Why the hell didn't you call us an hour ago?” Kris snapped as he walked past Cassidy.

“We did,” Cassidy answered. “You both had your cells off. So did Jacob. The only one we could get was Allison, but she wasn't answering. I had to send her a text.”

“Look, it doesn't matter, we're here now,” Adam said as he caught up with Kris. “What room is she in, Cass?” Cassidy pointed towards the closed door in front of Kris and Adam. “Ready?” Adam whispered as he took Kris's hand in his.

“Yeah,” Kris breathed out before pushing open the hospital room door.

“Where the hell have you been?” Kris and Adam stood side by side as Sophia shouted at them. “I've been in pain for an hour here.”

Kris shook himself out of his shock to go stand by Sophia's side. “We're here now, baby girl.”

“Are you okay?” Adam asked gently as he came to stand on the other side of the bed.

“Sure,” Sophia said rolling her eyes. “I'm having so much fun here.”

“She's been this little bitch since the moment we got her here,” Brad remarked from the corner of the room. “She had the nerve to make fun of my outfit.”

Kris looked Brad up and down. “I wonder why?”

“Papa,” Sophia whined as she grabbed onto Adam's arm.

“I know, baby girl,” Adam whispered as he leaned down to kiss Sophia's head. “Brad could you take the kids down for something to eat?”

“Weren't you guys just at a dinner?” Brad quizzed.

“They hated the food,” Adam explained. “Could you maybe get them some burgers or something?”

“Fine,” Brad sighed, “but I'm coming back. This is my Grandchild too, you know.”

“We know,” Kris said rolling his eyes as Brad walked past him.

“You okay now, baby girl?” Adam asked when the door closed behind Brad.

“There's a human being trying to escape from me,” Sophia said through gritted teeth. “I don't think I'm supposed to be okay right now.”

“Just stay calm,” Kris whispered against Sophia's head as he kissed her. “It'll all be over soon.”

“You promise?”

“Of course,” Kris smiled as he kissed Sophia's head again.


“You big fat liar,” Sophia screamed as she gripped Kris's hand tight. “I'm never listening to you again.”

“Baby just breathe,” Adam said softly as he dabbed Sophia with a wet cloth.

“You breathe,” Sophia snapped. “And stop doing that. You're annoying the hell out of me.”

“How much longer?” Kris asked with fear in his eyes.

“It's pretty close,” the nurse answered as she stood at the bottom of the bed.

“Can't you hurry it up?” Adam asked. “She's in so much pain.”

“She's only fifteen,” Kris pointed out. “Her body shouldn't be going through this kind of trauma.”

“Fifteen-year-olds have been giving birth for hundreds of years. Your daughter is going to be fine.”

“Thanks for the history lesson,” Sophia snapped, “but could you all save this little conversation until after.”

“You should be careful with your words young lady,” the nurse said calmly as she fixed the bed covers. “I'm the one in charge of your pain relief. I would be very nice to me if I was you.”

“She's sorry,” Adam said quickly.

“Maybe the two Grandpa's could go get some coffee for a little while,” the nurse suggested causing Kris and Adam to shake their heads. “I'm not asking you.”

“I think you should do as you're told,” Sophia said quietly. “She is in charge of my pain relief.”

“I'll be here the whole time, but I think you both need a little break.”

“We could send Uncle Brad in,” Kris suggested.

“And I can scream really loud,” Sophia said through gritted teeth.

“Don't send this Brad in,” the nurse spoke up.

“Could you maybe send Jacob in?” Sophia asked through deep breaths.

“I don't think that's a good idea.”

“Is he the father?”

“He's my brother.”

“He's twelve,” Kris explained.

“But a really mature twelve,” Adam added.

“I guess he could come in for a few minutes,” the nurse mused. “If she promises not to scream.”

Kris and Adam both gave Sophia a look causing her to roll her eyes. “I promise.”

“Okay,” Kris sighed looking at his watch. “The contractions are only a few minutes apart so we won't be gone long.”

“Shout if you need us,” Adam whispered as he kissed Sophia's head.

“I don't think I'm allowed to,” Sophia said looking at the nurse.

“You're not.”


“I'm not holding your hand,” Jacob said dryly as he stood at the side of Sophia.

“I can't do this, Jacob,” Sophia whispered so the nurse wouldn't hear.

“I don't think you have a choice.” Jacob looked down the bed pulling a face. “This is so wrong.”

“I should never have had sex,” Sophia groaned out as another contraction began.

“I could have told you that.”

“Please Jacob,” Sophia groaned. “Try and be my supportive little brother.”

“Okay,” Jacob sighed as he took Sophia's hand in his own. “So what do you want to talk about?”

“I don't think I can be a mom. I don't think I can do it.”

“You asked me in here to talk you down from the bridge?” Jacob asked with a frown. “Wouldn't Papa and Daddy be better for that?”

“I'm being serious here,” Sophia snapped as she gripped Jacob's hand tighter. “What if I make a mistake?”

“You already did that,” Jacob shrugged.

“What if the baby doesn't love me?”

“I think you have to be pretty bad for a baby not to like you.” Jacob looked down to find the nurse looking at him. “I didn't do this to her.”

“Jacob, what if I ruin my baby's life?”

“God, you're so needy,” Jacob sighed. “Listen to me. You're not going to screw up because you have everyone around you, and your kid is going to love you. Your his Mom.”

“What if I don't love him?” Sophia asked with tears in her eyes.

“You already love him,” Jacob said softly. “If you didn't love him you wouldn't be so worried.”

“Are you going to help me?”

“I'm going to be there everyday,” Jacob said softly. “Sebastian and Elle are going to be there too.”

“You're a good little brother,” Sophia admitted. “Even when I was being a bitch to you, you've always been good to me.”

“You're my sister,” Jacob shrugged.

“I love you.”

“Oh god,” Jacob groaned looking at the nurse. “What kind of drugs did you give her?”

“I mean it,” Sophia groaned in pain. “I couldn't pick a better little brother.”

“Well... I guess I love you too,” Jacob said with a frown on his face as he look back at the nurse. “Seriously, what did you give her?”

“I think it's almost time.”


Part 2

forever after

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